I was heading out to Walmart to do some shopping today and did what I thought was a common sense thing and got hugs and called an angel by complete strangers.
I was heading out on the divided highway when I saw a car in the opposite lane suddenly take a sharp turn and slammed right into the center barrier. I quickly pulled over as did the guy in front of me. I got out of my Jeep and yelled to him to call 911 I'll check on the driver. The car was blocking both lanes on the highway with the drivers side facing oncoming traffic. I got to the car and saw the lady crying in the front seat and noticed a small girl in the child seat in the back. I asked her if she was hurt and she said her arm and shoulder hurt. I reached in and shut the car off because there was smoke coming from the motor. I asked her if she could walk and she said yes. I told her I was going to get her out and have her sit in my jeep and she agreed. I had to pry the door open (the whole time watching over my shoulder hoping no car is going to fly up and slam into us) she got out and I went into the back seat and grabbed her daughter and carried her over the barrier and into my jeep. She was crying still and said she just went shopping for presents for her daughter, so I got out of the jeep and went and grabbed the presents and put them in the jeep. She was in so much shock she couldn't remember her mothers cell number but could remember her grandmothers. So I let her use the cell to call. Finally the ambulance got there and they eventually took her away.
Well when I finally got done being questioned by the dickhead cop I went to Walmart. I was walking around and all I could think of was her crying and saying how is she going to be able to afford another car. That's when I walked over to the card section and found a christmas card walked to the counter and bought a $25 gift card for inside. I wrote inside that things may seem bad now but these times are only stepping stones to get over the wall of life. Also remember if you have family and friends things will always be ok.
Well I ended up driving to the hospital and walked into the ER and asked the nurse if the lady from the car accident was still there and of course she asked why and I told her because I knew she was down in the dumps and I bought her a christmas card to try and brighten her day. The nurse started to cry and told me to hold on, then she came back and had me follow her back to the room. When all of a sudden I heard Mom Dad thats the guy that helped me. I told them I seen she was feeling down and I bought her a christmas card. The mother and father both got up and came over and hugged me and said thank you we knew there were still angels in this world. I started to tear up so I said I had to go and to have a merry christmas.
I never got the lady's name but to me what I did was no big deal, I saw someone in need and stopped and helped them. But after looking back I find it amazing how many people just passed right by when I was trying to help her without even stopping.
So folks remember sometimes when you do something you think is no big deal, others may think its a huge deal. I was raised to always help out and maybe by me doing this today will in turn help someone else down the line.
Hopefully I helped make this family's christmas a little bit merrier this year.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)