Just saw this on Merriman
Merriman's injury and it got me thinking
M. Lynch - 417 yards, 3.5 avg, 2 tds. 10 catch, 68 yards
M. Barber - 313 yards, 3.1 avg, 3tds. 11 catches, 49 yards
D. Williams - 361 yards, 4.1 avg, 1 td. 11 catches, 61 yards
BJack - 488 yards, 4.0 avg, 3 tds. 29 catches, 231 yards, 1 TD
The team never had a shot at Merriman since he was swooped up so early off of waivers, but regardless, all 4 were ones that many of us were crying out to trade a 3rd rounder or James Jones for. I even admit I was on the DeAngelo Williams bandwagon so I'm not pointing fingers, merely pointing out that patience is a virtue and that Ted and co. may know their ass from a hole in the ground afterall š