Doesn't exposure to radiation always come with awesome super powers? We could just put spiders through those things, have them bite people and see if they can sling webs. Negative or positive, the result will be good.
"zombieslayer" wrote:
With great powers comes great responsibilities.
To be a hero, you have to be an orphan. Look at Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Harry Potter, etc. I think if you or I got superpowers, we'd use it for our own gain and start doing evil stuff because our parents survived our childhood.
Not only that, the parents have to die in a horrible way. Batman's parents were murdered. Superman's parents, well, their planet exploded. Harry Potter's parents were killed by Voldemort (I'm a brave man, not afraid to say his name). I forgot how Spiderman's parents died but his uncle was killed because Spiderman didn't do his job.
So that blows your theory all to hell.
"Rockmolder" wrote: