First point, I happen to agree that these scanners are overboard, costly and more than likely a waste of money. Dont disagree.
Second, as I have stated numerous times before, I really dont fear terrorists themselves. The next time they carry out a plot, it will be aimed at another facet of America to garner attention and strike a different fear into this country. If they just wanted to destroy America.. they would be executing people daily in this country, with media attention and constant pace. They want attention to their cause.. self serving Anti America in other areas of the world.
Third, if you are going to have a security measure, should they not be independent of the airport, airlines and local control. Yes, in most circumstances a neutral non biased view is more likely to provide an agenda list and non-conforming entity; hence why they are independent in structure.
However, I do believe we should have a measure of security in place for such forms of mass transportation, especially a method as delicate as air travel.
So, this is really where we disagree. You believe we should have planes loaded down with knives, guns, dynamite, c4, or whatever else you want to carry aboard. Theory being if they know I have them, they will be less apt to use them. Ask yourself this, what is there agenda? I think their value of their own life is rather low.. but the attention they will garner is what they strive for. The reason for the need of attention may differ, but they really want one thing.
A terrorist is going to want to bring the plane down, and cares less about his life. A nutjob is looking for fame, more than likely isn't going to want to bring the plane down.. arming the other passengers is more than likely going to escalate an issue.. not solve it. Again.. if they want to bring the plane down.. there isn't much anyone is going to do.. armed or not.
The root difference is what is accomplished by allowing the passengers to carry or not carry, I think allowing them to carry poses an unnecessary risk to overall well being of the aircraft. If we are talking about people with makeshift weapons with limited damage.. well then, personally I feel good about my chances against the bastard.
My opinion is that there should be a layer of security in place before you agree to board a plane to travel from point A to point B. It isnt because of fear; it is because honestly I expect them to do their due diligence to make my travel as safe as they can realistically can. Measures include: The competence of the pilots, the maintenance of the plane, runway and terminal, and the basic screening of the other passengers boarding the plane. Accidents happen, people with ill intentions accomplish goals some of the time, but reasonable measures should be taken to at least prevent them within reason.
So if I expect some layer of passenger screening, it begs the question of where logistically to set up the security checkpoints.
I think the gates are an awful place to place the security for four fundamental reasons.
1. Most people are so damn antsy to board the plane and impatient, that it would be mass chaos.
2. The logistics of it, would mean that planes would have to be at the gate longer, turnaround would be longer, and the number of flights would have to be reduced. Meaning, less choices for me in my travels via a reduced numbers of flights, thus creating less flexibility in my personal scheduling.
3. The level of security measures would be different airport to airport, gate to gate and would make my baggage packing more of a headache. One agency, one consistent set of guidelines for me to at least try to plan around.
4. On connection flights I would be subjected to multiple security checkpoints leading to even more frustration in my travel.
Another answer segmenting terminal into airline specific entities, however for travelers going to the smaller hubs.. they not only would have to rush to their flight on the other end of the complex, they would now be subjected to another search and more missed connections. Sorry that would only create more frustration.
So I think it makes a ton of sense to have a centralized check in starting my travels, and then really be free of the hassle again until my next trek to the airport.
I am all for a relaxed measures being enforced, as we all know if one wants to get non detectable multiple part explosives in, we probably are not going to stop that with some X-ray scan, but even your guns, knives and other weapons arent going to stop that. With that stated, I believe they owe me at least a reasonable amount of measure to prevent most cases.
Now for the governmental control leading to a dictatorship, sorry I dont buy into the notion that we are becoming a police state nor that a security checkpoint in air travel is drawing us closer to it.
We are born free in this country via the Bill of Rights, but even the constitution provided for levels of government to regulate the promotion of freedom and equality in this country. Every time we pay respect to the flag of this nation we are reinforcing those beliefs.
Part of the duties of this government is being enacted via the FAA and their regulations of air travel to ensure that it is free of monopolies; which promotes competition and value to us the customer. They also ensure that companies are maintaining a level of expectations for the safety of the travelers. In its purity, these are functions that the government should be providing in my tax dollar. An entity which should be free of persuasion from the companies that are leasing parts of the runways and traffic controller wage; and for the most part it has been very effective in maintaining an efficient and safe means of travel. So if we dont take offense to this function of the government, why such an outcry for them, in a separate agency of the government, regulating the security measures of those that enters these same means of travel via the airport itself?
The TSA isnt restricting your rights to go anywhere you wish to travel; they are not prohibiting you to get a seat on an airline. They are simply another layer of the reasonable means of protection for your travels.
Again, provide a better means of a reasonable measure of screening those that board the planes, an method of travel that cant just stop and adjust to situations in the air.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"