first, steveretard...+1, hell +2!
second - johnson, "You keep blaming the players when you don't hold their leader to task." Who the hell is on the field? Mike McCarthy or the players? Are the adult multi-millionaires who have been playing this game for 15-25 years accountable for anything?
Some of this stuff, like a false start is about counting. Lets hire Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street to coach them how to count to 4 because apparently Mike McCarthy can't do that effectively!
The team lost their cool and couldn't handle a pressure situation last night. That sucks, but you learn more from losing than winning and shitty games happen. Didn't the lowly 'fins get their first win against the SB-bound patriots late in the season about 5 years ago on a monday night? I'm more concerned about the team evolving than I am with one awful game...if penalties and not going for the kill become a trend this season, I'll join many others on the Mike McCarthy fingerpointing bandwagon.
"warhawk" wrote:
My statement stands. Mike McCarthy as the head coach is responible (ultimately) for penalties. That's first grade primer stuff; if you don't understand this then you don't understand the NFL and accountability.
"Johnson" wrote:
Clifton and Tauscher would go entire YEARS without a holding call. They know the deal and the coaches coach it and emphasis it. What do you think they are doing in the spring and in the voluntary and mandatory camps? Working on basics. Emphasizing technigue. You place an awful lot of accountibility on McCarthy here but where is the accountability for the players? McCarthy is a back-to-basics coach. Every time they hit a rough patch he announces "we're going back to the basics" and people here moan "is that all he can come up with?" Yet that normally is followed by a win streak.
You smash McCarthy as an OC and yet he produces offenses very near the top every year. I've had to say this a hundred times to guys like you and that is Mike McCarthy would get hired as not only an OC but as a HC before you could finish your first cup of coffee after he was let go.
Of course everyone here should just forget the fact that Rodgers LEARNED under Mike McCarthy, thrives in his system, and Mike McCarthy sets the offense up to make Rodgers as successful as he can be.
There's 25+ teams out there that would take the Rodgers/McCarthy combination in a heartbeat and all you do is bitch so go ahead and bitch because McCarthy ain't going nowhere. We'll see how far you have to stretch it when they start peeling off another long string of wins, which by the way, is historically another McCarthy-led team trait largely due to the fact he doesn't panic and start throwing players off the bus after one lousy game.
"musccy" wrote: