You wonder why our insurance companies gouge the shit out of us?? Because the health care/pharmaceutical industries gouge the shit out of the insurance companies. And guess what? We pay for it!
"rabidgopher04" wrote:
Actually, it is the insurance companies that negotiate lower rates with your doctors on your behalf. If you paid out of pocket each procedure would cost more than the rate your insurer pays. Read through your explanation of benefits after your next doctor's visit. There should be a charge for the visit and then an "allowed amount" less than the charge. That's the rate the insurer negotiated for you.
Why does insurance cost so much? It depends on the plan you have (deductible amount, family maximum, percentage of co-insurance). Get a higher deductible plan and you pay less in premiums.
For the record I am against this healthcare reform primarily because of the notion that the federal government is requiring me to make a commercial transaction simply because I am alive. This is no longer a free country, folks.
"Formo" wrote: