Ya know what... I have let this start to stew a bit inside me... and the excuse nonsense clause is about the only thing that really offends me in life.
I hear people using excuses to validate this or that.. or to cover up their own failings in life way more than I care to admit. It is bullshit... every f.... freaking time I hear it.
This happen or that happened.. I can't do this or I can't do that because of... some bullshit excuse they have.
I lost a leg, numbers of feet of intestines, broke 83 bones in my body, lived a life of pain from that day.. yet I have never used it as a crutch in my life.. you over come it and move on and succeed in your life regardless.
Then to listen to this type of excuse making from a professional athlete boggles my mind.. and why is he whining.. because somehow he feels dissed because he only got a second round tender. Still making over a million and guaranteed a job in this economic cesspool we currently are in.
You can kiss my ass... what a pile of garbage.
Shut your ass up.. use it as motivation to come back and prove them wrong... no instead you whine about it.. piss and moan and run from it... and you wonder why you get your ass handed to you on Sundays...
What a joke.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"