Wow, now that is creative. Here are a couple of gems from the German side of the world:

"You have no kids? Get yourself a babysitter, say that the kid is sleeping upstairs and is not to be woken up. When you come back, ask where the kid is."

"Maybe we should, uh, turn the light on, darling?"

"Important information for the avoidance of the common cold:
"The cold season is approaching! What always helps is a warm chick soup.
"This is naturally just a serving suggestion."


"Okay, you may spin it again, but only because today is your birthday."
(In case it's not obvious, "kein Sex" means "no sex.")

"Why are you smiling so strangely?"

"No matter where you go, there's always an asshole."

"All this foreplay before sex is such bullshit. It's not like I sit outside my garage honking my horn for 15 minutes before driving in!"