Mark Murphy, President and Chief Executive Officer
with CC to
Tim Connolly, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Jeff Blumb, Director of Public Relations
Sarah Quick, Assistant Director of Public Relations
Ricky Zeller, Assistant Director of Public Relations
Duke Bobber, Internet Coordinator
Jonathan Butnick, Public Relations Coordinator
The big shots won't look at it but one one the minions might and take it to their boss. It is worth a shot.
Burn about 10 copies. Address the letter to Mark Murphy and tell him that you know this is not his responsibility to deal with such matters but you are not sure who to speak to. If he would forward it on the the correct person (s) you would appreciate it. That gets him off the hook because you are telling him you don't expect anything from him. The lower level people will feel honored to receive the same letter the CEO gets and someone will take a peek.