1. Spontaneous celebration is fine. Good, even.
2. Choreographed celebration just bugs me. I actually like good choreography, and not just because I'm a leg man from way back. But there's something offputting to me about choreographed "celebration".
Some hypotheticals for your consideration:
Group A:
1. The original Chorus Line musical. Well choreographed by professionals. Good.
2. Paula Abdul doing orginal "Straight Up" video. Well done by a professional dancer. Good.
3. A little kid, imitating Paula in her bedroom. Not well choreographed, but still good.
4. Parents of said little kid expecting neighbors to think the little kid's "dancing" worth their time. Badly choreographed. Bad.
Group B:
1. The Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown. Extremely well choreographed by professionals. Good.
2. Vietnam Vet deciding to put his medals by a buddies name on the wall. Perhaps "planned," but not choreographed. Good.
3. Non-vet tourist, visiting Vietnam wall, moved to public tears. Spontaneous. Good.
4. Veteran announcing candidacy for elected office in front of Wall. Choreographed. Bad.
It seems to me that a sack celebration is good only when one or more of three conditions holds:
i. It is spontaneous and unplanned. Its a natural expression of enjoyment.
ii. The celebration is the heart of the matter: the soldiers who do the ceremony at Arlington are there for one reason, to celebrate and honor those who have served. When a TO or an Ochocinco or the rest plan a celebration, they're saying "look at my choreography", not "look at the game". The soldiers' choreography is aiding their purpose in being there. The NFL "players" aren't.
iii. The celebration is planned and executed by professoional at the celebration. CMIII is not a professional choreographer. He's a professional football player.
The cynic in me finds it highly amusing that even a spontaneous removal of the helmet before off the field is going to yield a penalty, but a grown man acting like the worst spoiled kid can "plan" his celebration in ways that aren't flagged.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)