Josh Bell, Brandon Chiller, Al Harris, Chuck Woodson, John Kuhn, Charlie Peprah, Donald Lee, Ryan Pickett and Derrick Martin.
What do all these player have in common?
All free agents or trades.
There are about a half a dozen more Un-drafted FAs. And another half a dozen or so 1 year waived free agent players. Like Gilbert Brown was.
The fallacy that Ted Thompson doesn't use other methods than the draft is just not true. Just because he is not picking up over 30 big name (big paycheck) players doesn't mean he is ignoring everything else. Those over 30 FA players will only play for a year, maybe two competitively. Then they will be gone or suffering from a steep drop off in ability. We will have an extremely short time to win a superbowl before the team collapses and we have to start over again. Like the '90's Packers.
If luck, bad breaks, injuries etc conspire to keep you from your one shot at glory, it will be a long wait before you get another one.
If you draft smart and pick up players no older than 28, you will have players that can contribute for 5-10 years through the peak of their careers, instead of 2 or 3 years of declining ability.
The sad, tired old refrain that Thompson only drafts is done. Not a valid argument. It is just an excuse for people who hate Ted Thompson to complain.
I want to go out like my Grandpa did. Peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.