I enjoyed the segment, but Dukes is very biased, plus the rationale is overly simplistic.
Aaron Rodgers didn't have the level of a backfield threat and appurtenant defensive "scheme" that opponents would have to employ that Brett enjoyed. Don't even get me started on the offensive line...
The question was, "Right now."
Brett is throwing to high school kids, plus he's 14 lbs over-weight. Aaron Rodgers is (so far, two years running) more consistent than Brett--maybe we are the only ones that really know this, but we darn sure do...
As great as Brett was last year, and as great a career as he has had, we have completely lucked out and actually got someone better to replace him.
Actually, the best.
So far.
It's in the record books now, his first two years as a starter... No other QB has ever done what he did in those first two years...
I'm not calling Brett's performance an aberration last year, but I'm not "not" calling it one, either. Aaron LOOKS like he is SO consistent, "consistently".
I think all fellow Packer/Favre/Rodgers fans understand that semi-whacky statement. As many know, I go with my, "How many cigs do I smoke" analysis when comparing the two...
Favre is a two-packer, Rodgers I can get by on one, so therefore, he's twice as consistent.
(btw-The '96 Packers segment on NFLN was awesome last night)