Who cares HOW it is spelled???
"Cheesey" wrote:
Because "
burkha" probably has a very different meaning from
"burqa," since they're pronounced differently and the phonemes of Arabic are extremely sensitive (i.e., English speakers often can't tell the difference between different sounds).
By the way, why has no one addressed my point that many of these women voluntarily
choose this garb? Stop feeling sorry for them. The
burqa isn't a sign of "female repression" or any other Western-feminist bullshit term. It's something they choose to wear as an expression of female pride. If women felt so oppressed over there, they would have revolted long ago, just as women did in the West.
For those of you who think the
burqa is functionally equivalent to a steel collar and chain, consider the fact that before we invaded Iraq, women walked around the streets of Baghdad unaccompanied in blue jeans and t-shirts. Now anywhere they go they have to be on the arm of a man and fully covered from head to toe. Guess we didn't do the women of Iraq any favors, eh?