I'm going to guess this was Tuesday that I read it.
I just went back to the JSOnline site and tried to find it, but can't.
It might have been the GBPG. I hope someone here also read it.
Chat transcript.
Somebody asked about Harrell's chances this year.
Now, I admit that this is just one of those chats, and the remarks are off the cuff by the reporter, but his response is just the thing that caused me to rant about the journalism surrounding the Packers, and I believe my rant was centered around Justin at that time as well.
The reporter said, "Well, Justin hasn't made football a priority in his life..."
Or words to that effect. Like I said, I hope someone else read it, because I can't find it.
That shit pisses me..... off-big-time.
Not the truth or falsehood of the statement itself, but rather...
Where the FUCK have you been when it comes time to query him about such a sentiment? I don't think you (Mr reporter) even know for sure where the FUCK Justin IS.
You certainly haven't reported it. All we know is what Mike McCarthy has said, and your regurgitation of it.
Thousands of people read that chat, and with him throwing that out there, it just leaves all of them with the impression that their suspicions are right regarding Justin's work ethic , including mine, IF I ACTUALLY TRUSTED WHAT THE REPORTER SAID, which I don't, because he provides no evidence.