Then, you need to buy insurance.
"Cheesey" wrote:
This is the point. I will use me as an example.. I pay for health insurance.. 389 a month.. then get saddled with a 6000 deductible to boot.
How is an average family making $13/hour suppose to afford to see a doctor on top of all their other bills.
It is convenient to say.. fend for yourself, but the system is so far out of whack that reform is needed. Seriously.. $175 to draw blood at Marshfield hospital.. then the tests on top of that cost extra.
It needs reform.. and those in charge of the system aren't going to reform it.. so then if you don't want the government to step in then whom?
My point on Bush.. not listening to the voters isn't something new.. and he made that decision solo.. at a price tag of 9 billion a month and thousands of American lives to protect our interest in oil. But that is acceptable?
It is because of the party he represents I suppose.
Look.. I don't want the government running healthcare.. but the plain and simple fact is someone has to fix the issue.. those profiting from it won't.. I can guarantee you that.
BTW.. what freedom did we lose?
The ability to not have to carry health insurance and allow the taxpayers or other patients of the hospitals pick up the tab because your uninsured person can't afford to pay for it?
To legally drive a car, you are required to carry insurance.. to practice most businesses, you are required to carry insurance.. but we shouldn't have to carry health insurance? Fine.. you don't want to carry insurance.. then have sufficient means in the bank at all times to cover a medical emergency.
Hell they reached inside of the car and placed laws requiring you to wear seat belts.. talk about stepping on your civil rights.. but Obama solely is a dictator. Last time I checked a house full of representatives passed the bill..
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"