I guess so much for changing over to the 3-4 being somewhat of a work in progress where we could expect them to get better as the season goes along.
Now all of a sudden they should be balls to the wall from the first snap of the season. I've asked this question before but were teams like the Steelers and Ravens kicking everybody's ass in the first half of the first season they installed this system?
Cause I kinda remember hearing guys like Woodley were freaking lost the first year they played it.
I know everybody's pissed off and whiney but getting after the defense is really stretching it IMO. I guess, of course, the defense could have jumped out onto the field last week and TACKLED the guy running the blocked punt back and the kickoff return guy, too.
Eight times the Vikings started a drive beyond their 37 yard line. EIGHT. Who the hell is going to beat a team with an offense like that when at worst all they need is 30 yards for a FG eight freaking times in a game?
You know there is this thing out there called momentum. Now for two straight weeks they come on the field almost every single time after somebody else SCREWED THE POOCH on them. OK?
Before I throw them under the bus I just want to see them given a reasonable shot and an opportunity to not have the goal line at their heals for once.
"The train is leaving the station."