Gee if Mike Sherman failed, then Ted Thompson should not even be the GM.
Mike Sherman put together the best running game The Packers have seen in a long while. He had nothing but winning seasons until his last.(TT 1st as GM).
When MS was fired as GM, I agreed with it, it was time for a change, but don't say he failed when his winning percntage was 2nd or 3rd best in Packer history.
Ans yes, go back and look it up, whoever it was that brought in Ted Thompson said the main reason was he was talking with MS, and all MS could talk about was the asshole MIke Meckenzie and the way he was holding out, instead of focusing on being HC and getting ready for the upcoming season.
The Packer organization failed when they gave MS the double duty of GM/HC.
I'll say it again, I like what Ted Thompson is doing, but the time has come for the HC and the players(who are mostly young and full of potential), to step up and perform. Which means win more games than they lose.
This is a very pivotal year for Ted Thompson and MM, they have had the backing of most through some tough times, but it is time for positive results or there could very easily be a fan revolt if this season is a failure.
I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!