It seems to me the people (on this board or in the media) that think Favre gets too much attention are also the people that talk about him the most. It makes no sense. If you don't like him or you think he's media-obsessed or a glorified attention seeker, why don't you just ignore him?
By discussing him constantly, you are creating the same result that you are against.
It's like if talking created tornadoes and all people did was talk about how they don't want a tornado.
If you like Favre and what he did here or whatever, or think its week leading into Packers v. Vikings go nuts. But in the mean time my idea is that if you hate his guts or think he's selfish or whatever, just don't discuss him and the Favre talk will die down.
It is a Myth imo that the media gawks at Favre and loves his every move. I bet if you googled Brett Favre and used the News search. 75%+ articles on Brett Favre over the past two months would be negative and 50% of those would be complaining about how he seeks attention. Fine, I've heard the excuse that its not the poor writers, its their evil editors that force them to blog or write about Favre. But I'm pretty sure people on this site don't have editors.
If you don't like him, lets move on and look forward to Packer football. When they play the Vikings, lets go nuts. In the meantime, discuss how much you USED to love him in this forum. Don't feed the beast. I love Favre so I could discuss him all day and don't care because I don't think he's the media-hunger monster he is made out to be but if you do, the best you can do to stick it to him is ignore him.
Let's just agree to disagree and unite as one (besides the Favre-fans and non-Packers-fans which there clearly are).