Speed seems fine. You are certainly correct about the fact that your site has always been fast. High compliments for that. In an unrelated matter, my ISP updated to the point of accepting firefox's latest version, so I have gone back to that. The reason I bring this up is because just for shits and giggles I got out of firefox and came back in via IE8 just to see if that compatabily view issue would somehow be resolved by the changeover.
It is and it isn't. In IE8, it did not go into compatability view (all that really happens is an automatic refresh, so it isn't like the end of the world)
when you click on the link you provided in the beta thread. However, when you click the forum button, (from the actual front page of the site, not in "forums" it brings you here, and then IE8 does it's compatability view thingy. It is really a small matter, and I really didn't expect that to change, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to hope.
sorry-just stepped on your post, zero, please bump it