[align=center]Who's your favorite top 3 Packers on the current roster? Explain your choice please.
My number one favorite would be:

I find him the best player in his position in the NFL. A lil' under rated by the league if you ask me but that's only my opinion.
My second favorite:
I'd have to go with Greg Jennings, I love his speed and the way he plays the game. Elite WR, pure talent, great hands and an amazing speed. Specially the YAC.
My third favorite:
A.J. Hawk ... I know he hasn't performed as much as we expected it but he still has great potential. His been drafted here and his one of the people I would love to keep him here until end of his career. Great character guy also.
Honorable mentions:
Aaron Rodgers - Barnett - Driver
How about you guys?[/align]
Glad To Be A Packers Fan.