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Tuesday Jun 23, 2009 10:06 PM
I am very happy about Greg Jennings but the person mentioned at the bottom of the article is the person about whom I would like to speak. Lorne Sam was released today. We went to the Donald Driver Softball game and had the pleasure of meeting Lorne Sam. He was one the nicest, most polite, accomodating young men we have had the pleasure of meeting. What a great ambassador for the Green Bay Packers! He understood what being a Packer meant and what an honor it was to be given an opportunity to even try out for the team. He waited patiently while I went to get our grandchildren so they could take a photo with a Packer. It made their day! My 7-yr.-old granddaughter had on a pink Favre jersey and he kidded with her about the fact that mangement had not informed him that he had to wear pink but he would if it meant he could be a Packer. After he left us, he went with an usher who took him to a group of physically challenged kids. He took pictures with each one of them. Mr. Sam, it was an honor to meet you and you will be a great asset to any NFL team. We wish you the best of luck! Thank you.