15 years ago

Brett of course deserves to be in "The Ring". Will it happen while Ted Thompson is GM? Probably not, Ted Thompson won't be there long enough.

After Brett gets done playing, he will be honored in Green Bay, all the crap from last summer will be forgotten. N
o matter if or who Brett plays for this year and/or next, when he decides to finally hang up his jersey it will be as a Green Bay Packer!!!! ]

"buckeyepackfan" wrote:

Great answer Buckeye!

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in TT's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.

Truth be known, I'm TT's baby!
15 years ago

Brett of course deserves to be in "The Ring". Will it happen while Ted Thompson is GM? Probably not, Ted Thompson won't be there long enough.

After Brett gets done playing, he will be honored in Green Bay, all the crap from last summer will be forgotten. N
o matter if or who Brett plays for this year and/or next, when he decides to finally hang up his jersey it will be as a Green Bay Packer!!!! ]

"TheOldMan" wrote:

Great answer Buckeye!

"buckeyepackfan" wrote:

To a certain extent. I don't like the jab at TT, since I do like him as our GM, but the rest of what you said made a lot of sense.

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

"TheOldMan" wrote:

This is, once again, pure speculation. Where on earth do you base this on? Trading Favre was a great move in my eyes, for the reasons I've told thousands of times before. Do you actually have any arguments to back up this statement?

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.


"TheOldMan" wrote:

You mean like last year? The NFC Championship game with a team mainly build by TT? He went 8-8, 13-3, 6-10. That's good enough for me to give him another shot.
15 years ago

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.

"TheOldMan" wrote:

These are the type of statements that cripple any of your overall points.

Proof of said ego? Most egomaniacs that I have seen are the loud brash obnoxious types that constantly say "look at me, please I need your attention". Those that constantly need to be reassured that the perception they have of themselves is validated.

Does the quiet introverted Thompson fit that description? Nope, instead he is almost to far to the other side, to mellow to handle a visible role as GM. Instead, I believe he is a man of fair confidence in the plan drawn up by his group of people, and is convinced that his team of coaches, evaluators and administrative personnel have set the Packers on the correct path. That is called conviction and belief in the plan.

Yearly we get to see if the plan is correct, the last three years have been even, five above and two below.. this year is a swing year and rightfully so. I truly believe this is sort like a "judgment day" type year.. step forward and the confidence is validated. A staying put or stepping back again means that there are flaws in said plan.

In totality, I believe it to be a fair statement to say this is this staffs judgment day.. better phony up. But I fail to see this ego you speak of.. at least from Ted Thompson that we see and hear...
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.

"pack93z" wrote:

These are the type of statements that cripple any of your overall points.

Proof of said ego? Most egomaniacs that I have seen are the loud brash obnoxious types that constantly say "look at me, please I need your attention". Those that constantly need to be reassured that the perception they have of themselves is validated.

Does the quiet introverted Thompson speak fit that description? Nope, instead he is almost to far to the other side, to mellow to handle a visible role as GM. Instead, I believe he is a man of fair confidence in the plan drawn up by his group of people, and is convinced that his team of coaches, evaluators and administrative personnel have set the Packers on the correct path. That is called conviction and belief in the plan.

Yearly we get to see if the plan is correct, the last three years have been even, five above and two below.. this year is a swing year and rightfully so. I truly believe this is sort like a "judgment day" type year.. step forward and the confidence is validated. A staying put or stepping back again means that there are flaws in said plan.

In totality, I believe it to be a fair statement to say this is this staffs judgment day.. better phony up. But I fail to see this ego you speak of.. at least from Ted Thompson that we see and hear...

"TheOldMan" wrote:

Actually, from a source of mine within the organization, Thompson has little or no ego. He is always concerned about his fellow workers and employees, from the staff and players all the way to security and janitorial. A class act. He also seeks input from many sources when making decisions and allows those he has delegated authority to make their own decisions.

I know some don't want to hear that but that is what was one's opinion within the organization who actually interacts with him often.
"Let Your Light Shine!"
15 years ago

Brett of course deserves to be in "The Ring". Will it happen while Ted Thompson is GM? Probably not, Ted Thompson won't be there long enough.

After Brett gets done playing, he will be honored in Green Bay, all the crap from last summer will be forgotten. N
o matter if or who Brett plays for this year and/or next, when he decides to finally hang up his jersey it will be as a Green Bay Packer!!!! ]

"TheOldMan" wrote:

Great answer Buckeye!

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.


"buckeyepackfan" wrote:

This is why I often have a strong opinion against the so called Favre firsters. For some reason they seem to think that to support Favre is mutually exclusive from supporting the Packers and its current GM. Worse yet, many often attribute their own biases towards those that are "Ted apologists", assuming that they all wish for Favre to fail, which isn't the case for the most part.

Why is it that Favre needs to be vindicated and the Favre fiasco treated as an "error" in Packer history? What good does this achieve, other than for you and those who support your opinion to rub it in everyone's faces to say "I told you so"? Why must Thompson be forced to leave before you believe the Packers can return to winning ways?

This prejudice against Thompson is illogical, because he is the primary representative of the front office of the Green Bay Packers - to wish Thompson to fail is to wish the Packers to fail. It all seems completely petty to root against Thompson and the Packers because their fates are entwined, because Favre got the shaft.
15 years ago

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.

"Trippster" wrote:

These are the type of statements that cripple any of your overall points.

Proof of said ego? Most egomaniacs that I have seen are the loud brash obnoxious types that constantly say "look at me, please I need your attention". Those that constantly need to be reassured that the perception they have of themselves is validated.

Does the quiet introverted Thompson speak fit that description? Nope, instead he is almost to far to the other side, to mellow to handle a visible role as GM. Instead, I believe he is a man of fair confidence in the plan drawn up by his group of people, and is convinced that his team of coaches, evaluators and administrative personnel have set the Packers on the correct path. That is called conviction and belief in the plan.

Yearly we get to see if the plan is correct, the last three years have been even, five above and two below.. this year is a swing year and rightfully so. I truly believe this is sort like a "judgment day" type year.. step forward and the confidence is validated. A staying put or stepping back again means that there are flaws in said plan.

In totality, I believe it to be a fair statement to say this is this staffs judgment day.. better phony up. But I fail to see this ego you speak of.. at least from Ted Thompson that we see and hear...

"pack93z" wrote:

Actually, from a source of mine within the organization, Thompson has little or no ego. He is always concerned about his fellow workers and employees, from the staff and players all the way to security and janitorial. A class act. He also seeks input from many sources when making decisions and allows those he has delegated authority to make their own decisions.

I know some don't want to hear that but that is what was one's opinion within the organization who actually interacts with him often.

"TheOldMan" wrote:

I hate the ego thing as well...

I have never seen any evidence of him having an ego..

Hell when he was hired he didnt even make the original press conference I believe..

Someone, like Mooch??? maybe said that he was a very religious man, and one of the most honest men he has ever met..

As far as Brett on the ring..If he wasn't it would be a crime..

He will be up there where he belongs even if he goes on to win 10 more SB with someone else..

Might not be there while Ted is here, or maybe he will..But he will be up there
15 years ago

Favre will dwarf Ted Thompson in the memory of Packerdom. That sits in Ted Thompson's stomach and burns their, smoting his massive EGO.

Once Ted Thompson is gone, The Pack can return to their winning ways, and forget this chapter of massive error in Packer history.

"Trippster" wrote:

These are the type of statements that cripple any of your overall points.

Proof of said ego? Most egomaniacs that I have seen are the loud brash obnoxious types that constantly say "look at me, please I need your attention". Those that constantly need to be reassured that the perception they have of themselves is validated.

Does the quiet introverted Thompson speak fit that description? Nope, instead he is almost to far to the other side, to mellow to handle a visible role as GM. Instead, I believe he is a man of fair confidence in the plan drawn up by his group of people, and is convinced that his team of coaches, evaluators and administrative personnel have set the Packers on the correct path. That is called conviction and belief in the plan.

Yearly we get to see if the plan is correct, the last three years have been even, five above and two below.. this year is a swing year and rightfully so. I truly believe this is sort like a "judgment day" type year.. step forward and the confidence is validated. A staying put or stepping back again means that there are flaws in said plan.

In totality, I believe it to be a fair statement to say this is this staffs judgment day.. better phony up. But I fail to see this ego you speak of.. at least from Ted Thompson that we see and hear...

"pack93z" wrote:

Actually, from a source of mine within the organization, Thompson has little or no ego. He is always concerned about his fellow workers and employees, from the staff and players all the way to security and janitorial. A class act. He also seeks input from many sources when making decisions and allows those he has delegated authority to make their own decisions.

I know some don't want to hear that but that is what was one's opinion within the organization who actually interacts with him often.

"TheOldMan" wrote:

That's what I always thought. Everyone that has worked with him says the same things. This ego talk just has to stop. Jsonline interviewed someone that worked with Thompson: 

A different perspective on Favre v. Thompson
By Greg A. Bedard of the Journal Sentinel
Feb. 21, 2009

Indianapolis -- I wasn't going to post anything more about the situation between Brett Favre and Ted Thompson, but I received an email last night that came from an unbiased point of view. And considering the source of it, I thought Packers fans would like to hear it.

It came from Ed Hanner, the son of the late, great Dave "Hawg" Hanner who as a player, coach and scout had a 44-year career with the Packers. He died in September at the age of 78.

I asked Ed if I could post the content of the email, and he said I could.

This is what he said:

Before his death, Mr. Hanner watched last summer's Favre saga unfurl from his hospital bed in Florida. A day after Favre's interview with Fox News, Ed and his son, Tommy, visited Mr. Hanner.

"My dad was as honest a man as there was," Ed Hanner wrote. "He loved Brett Favre and was with (Ron) Wolf and the team when they traded for him. Brett could almost do no wrong in my dads eyes. Dad had been quoted in the past that he was the greatest Packer of all time and the Packers may not have lost a game if he had been there QB during Lombardi years."

Ed asked if father if Thompson was the person Favre described in the Fox News interview.

"I worked with Ted for a number of years and Ted not only was very honest but never would or could tell a lie," said Mr. Hanner, who then shook his head. "That person Brett is calling a liar is one of the most truthful people I knew."

Ed concluded his email by saying: "I know that hurt him because of how much he liked Brett. It bothered him a lot because he thought Brett could do no wrong and he was verbally attacking a man my dad knew was as honest as a man could be. It made him very sad to even discuss it."

The Pack Will Be Back.
15 years ago
I think it is more a situation of what Bret perception of being told lies by Thompson and what Thompson percieved to be truths. ..

Ten peo[ple can see an accident and all can have different opinions as to what happened. Of course not all ten are accurate, however that does not mean that they were deliberately lying. They were telling the truth as they knew it.

I perceive this to be the case in the whole debacle. neither was being shady intentionally but might have been perceived that way from the other side.

I think both are honorable men and their accused actions are not consistant with what they have demonstrated long term. Therefore, I do not hold ill feeling against either one and I wish long term happiness and prosperity to both.
"Let Your Light Shine!"
15 years ago

I think it is more a situation of what Bret perception of being told lies by Thompson and what Thompson percieved to be truths. ..

Ten peo[ple can see an accident and all can have different opinions as to what happened. Of course not all ten are accurate, however that does not mean that they were deliberately lying. They were telling the truth as they knew it.

I perceive this to be the case in the whole debacle. neither was being shady intentionally but might have been perceived that way from the other side.

I think both are honorable men and their accused actions are not consistant with what they have demonstrated long term. Therefore, I do not hold ill feeling against either one and I wish long term happiness and prosperity to both.

"Trippster" wrote:

+1 and agreed. Felt it was a circumstance of piss poor communication from the start.. perception vs reality can be a bugger.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago
This Ted Thompson stuff deserves its own thread in the Packers section. I'll split it up when I get a moment if someone else doesn't.
Fan Shout
Martha Careful (20h) : Amen Z2C, I hope all of you fathers have a terrific Fathers' Day. Be great fathers!!!
Zero2Cool (20h) : Happy Father's Day to the dad's
Zero2Cool (14-Jun) : YOU BROKE IT
buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Welcome to "The Dead Zone" may the only Packer News we hear is positive!!
buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Trevor Lawrence-5yr 275mil-200mil guaranteed. J-10VE is next.
Mucky Tundra (13-Jun) : @AaronWilson_NFL #Packers have signed first-round pick Jordan Morgan to $14.185 million deal that includes $7.135 million signing bonus
jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
Mucky Tundra (11-Jun) : @AndyHermanNFL Looks like Tucker Kraft is out of the sling. Progress!
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : That's also my oldests birthday
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Thought it was I fucking hate SNF. I went what why it's consistently way better than any other game
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
wpr (10-Jun) : that's great jdlax
jdlax (10-Jun) : God I hate the Shithawks
jdlax (10-Jun) : Sunday Night fucking Football
jdlax (10-Jun) : I just got my tickets to represent in Seattle December 15th woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Martha Careful (9-Jun) : I really enjoyed game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. Sergei Bobrovsky G - FL was incredibly good.
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : *NFL
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Pads or no pads, welcome to the N
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Rashan Gary just steamrolled Jordan Morgan on a bull rush. Drove right over him to the ground.
Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : God and a lot of money brought Reggie to GB
Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : yep. became the highest paid defensive player in the league and 3rd highest behind Elway and Marino
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Packers signed second-round pick Javon Bullard
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Reggie White got something like 4 years $17m total right?
buckeyepackfan (3-Jun) : 110mil guaranteed!!!
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Justin Jefferson. 4/$140m ??? wow
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : that was from the 29th but I've seen other combs (including Rhyan@C)
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @ByRyanWood Without Elgton Jenkins and Zach Tom, #Packers starting OL: Rasheed Walker, Jordan Morgan, Josh Myers, Sean Rhyan, Andre Dillard.
Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
Zero2Cool (30-May) : Bears are the first team to be selected for Hard Knocks
dfosterf (29-May) : Andy Herman and his Pack a day podcast put up GB strengths yesterday. This morning he did weaknesses. They are both very good.
Zero2Cool (25-May) : Yes.
beast (24-May) : Does he say what it is?
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Christian Watson believes he has discovered the root cause his soft-tissue leg injuries
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Savage played last half of season with tear in rotator cuff
Zero2Cool (22-May) : SISSIES!!!!
Mucky Tundra (22-May) : Sounds like both Kraft and Tom were injuried before OTAs began
buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Not serious but waiting for strength and conditioning coach referwnces.
buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Tom and Kraft both injured(pectoral muscle),
Zero2Cool (20-May) : I feel similar about person and product/service.
beast (17-May) : Not sure why a players views reflect on GB... instead of simply on the player
Martha Careful (17-May) : I bet some of us have had 6+ mRNA jabs, a UKR flag on our walls, and still think Fauci has a thread of integrity
Zero2Cool (16-May) : From what I've read, it's all Jets , not us.
CanPackFan (16-May) : Will there ever be a time when Rodgers' whacko views will not reflect on GB? He is the past, thank god.
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Jan 4th gonna be rough with that start time lol
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Packers schedule listed. Boom.
buckeyepackfan (15-May) : Let the leaks begin. Colts @ Packers week 2, Vikings @ Packers week 4
Zero2Cool (14-May) : WR Marquez Valdes-Scantling to Bills
Zero2Cool (14-May) : Jets and Aaron Rodgers open up on Monday Night Football,
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Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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