I think a lot of Boldin - he's clearly a warrior and his skills speak for themselves.
But I can't see the Packers w/out Driver unless he retires or asks for a trade, or something. The guy is who I think of when I think "Green Bay Packers", and even if his physical skills aren't on par with Boldin's at this point, his heart definitely is.
I'm a little sad at how people seem so ready to get rid of Al. Dude got his spleen busted and asked to just have the thing cut out so he could get back on the field. He's gone to war for the Packers time and time again. Dude is nails.
Maybe the NFL is a business and there's no place for loyalty, but as a fan I'm going to stay loyal to Driver and Harris until they give me a reason not to.
Also, I think Hazer's right and he's probably not at all interested in coming to GB - he wants to be the top dog WR of whatever team he goes to, and in GB the top dog WR goes by the name of Jennings (where I disagree with Hazer is that I think we'll get him re-upped).