I have been a fan of Tupac Shakur since the late 90's. There was a point in time where I fully believed Pac was still alive and out there somewhere. For years I would read and watch all the theories, listen to the songs with the subliminal messaging, thinking Pac is DEFINTELY alive. As I grew older and the years past, I gave up the hope.
Now in 2009 there appears to be a new 2Pac sighting.
http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/tupac_lives#41130 Although very odd, I will not suppourt this "evidence".
If you look in the photos there is a guy holding a Miller Lite can in hte first picture, And I know that was not the model of the can in the 90's so that makes theses photos very odd. Yet when you see Pac in theses photos, 2Pac himself looks young, like he did in the mid 90's. You'd think if Pac was alive, he would not be going to public bars and he would show signs of aging.
Although these photos may have some insight on a possibility of 2Pac being alive, I won't buy it.
I'm no photoship genious but I wont shy away from that possibility.
Anyone with an opinion on this?