I'm not a Ted Thompson "hater" or "lover".
I myself can't understand why people dislike the guy so much. It can't be because of the job he's done here, cause he sure hasn't been "awful".
Has he done EVERYTHING right?
NO ONE does. Not one GM in the NFL does.
But to say he's our "Matt Millen".......that just boggles my mind.
Even the great Ron Wolf made bad moves......EVERY YEAR. He didnt get everything right.
But if you go into a situation with preconceived ideas, nothing will change your opinion.
If you "hate" TT, nothing he does right will change your mind.....even a super bowl win. Cause that might make you have to see that reality isn't always what your opinion says it is.
Now.......if the Packers tank this coming year, I'll be the 1st one (well.....now that i think of it, there will be a few from this site already in line) in line calling for his head.
I saw this last year as screwed up from the start, with the whole BF mess, and i figured that, with the growing pains, would make it a difficult season.
But NOWS the time to shine.
NOW we will see if all the building Ted Thompson did to get to this point was right, or wrong.