7 hours ago
Phase One: Symptom Limited Activity
The player-patient is prescribed rest, limiting or, if necessary, avoiding activities (both physical and cognitive) which increase or aggravate symptoms. During this Phase, the player-patient may engage in activities of daily living as well as limited stretching and balance activities as tolerated at the discretion of the Club medical staff. Phase 1 may include LIGHT aerobic activity. Should additional medical issues present, the Club physician should consider external consultation or additional diagnostic examinations.

If the player-patient does not experience an increase in his symptoms and does not develop signs of concussion on neurological examination, he may be cleared to proceed to the next Phase.

Phase Two: Aerobic Exercise
Phase Two involves the initiation of a graduated exercise program. Under the direct oversight of the Club's medical staff, the player-patient should begin graduated cardiovascular exercise (e.g., stationary bicycle, treadmill) and may also engage in dynamic stretching and balance training. The duration and intensity of all activity may be gradually increased so long as the player-patient does not increase or aggravate signs or symptoms while performing the activity and for a reasonable period thereafter. If there is any increase or aggravation of signs or symptoms, the activity should be discontinued. He may, however, attend regular team meetings and engage in film study.

Once the player-patient has demonstrated his ability to engage in cardiovascular exercise without an increase or aggravation of signs or symptoms, he may proceed to the next Phase.

Phase Three: Football Specific Exercise
The player-patient continues with supervised cardiovascular exercises that are increased and begin to mimic sport specific activities, as well as supervised strength training. The player-patient is allowed to practice with the team in sport specific exercise for 30 minutes or less, with ongoing and careful symptom monitoring by the medical staff. If neurocognitive testing was not administered after Phase Two, it should be administered during Phase Three. If a player-patient's initial neurocognitive testing is not interpreted as back to baseline by the NPC, the tests will be repeated at a time interval agreed upon by the Club physician and NPC (typically 48 hours). The player-patient should not proceed to contact activities until their neurocognitive testing is interpreted as back to their baseline level by the NPC or, if a decrement is still present, until the Club physician has determined a non-concussion related cause. The determination of when to proceed with contact activities is ultimately made by the Club physician.

Once the player-patient has demonstrated his ability to engage in cardiovascular exercise and supervised strength training without an increase or aggravation of signs or symptoms, he may proceed to the next Phase.

Phase Four: Club-Based Non-Contact Training Drills
The player-patient may continue cardiovascular conditioning, strength and balance training, team-based sport-specific exercise, and participate in non-contact football activities such as throwing, catching, running and other position-specific activities, progressing to participation in non-contact team practice activities. To be clear, all activities at this Phase remain non-contact (i.e., no contact with other players or objects, such as tackling dummies or sleds).

If the player-patient is able to tolerate all football specific activity without a recurrence of signs or symptoms of concussion and his neurocognitive testing has returned to baseline, he may be moved to the next Phase in the sequence. For clarity; all signs, symptoms, and neurological examination (including neurocognitive testing and balance testing) must return to baseline status before returning to full football activity/clearance. Exceptions to the neurocognitive component may be considered by the Club physician responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of concussion (in consultation with the NPC) on a case-by-case basis in player-patients with documented ADHD or learning disabilities.

Phase Five: Full Football Activity/Clearance
After the player-patient has established his ability to participate in non-contact football activity 620 including team meetings, conditioning and non-contact practice without recurrence of signs and symptoms and his neurocognitive testing is back to baseline, the Club physician may clear him for full football activity involving contact in practice. If the player-patient tolerates full participation practice and contact without signs or symptoms and the Club physician concludes that the player-patient's concussion has resolved, s/he may clear the player-patient to return to participation. For the avoidance of doubt, if a player-patient cannot participate in practice or full contact with other players due to the time of year and/or rules imposed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement, simulated contact activity will suffice to satisfy this Phase. Upon clearance by the Club physician, the player-patient must be examined by the INC assigned to his Club. The INC must be provided a copy of all relevant reports and tests, including the sideline and booth UNC reports, the Booth ATC Spotter report and team injury reports, and have access to video of the injury, where applicable, and the player-patient's neurocognitive test results and interpretations. If the INC confirms the Club physician's conclusion that the player-patient's concussion has resolved, the player-patient is considered cleared and may participate in his Club's next game or practice. 
Fan Shout
buckeyepackfan (5h) : 5: Full football activity/clearance
buckeyepackfan (5h) : • Phase 1: Symptom-limited activity Phase 2: Aerobic exercisePhase 3: Football-specific exercisePhase 4: Club-based non-contact training dri
beast (10h) : Me too
Zero2Cool (12h) : I thought if in protocol, no interviews, no practice.
Zero2Cool (12h) : I have accepted I know nothing about the protocol.
beast (13h) : You can be in protocol and have a full practice? I'm assuming non-contract practice? Just seems strange
Zero2Cool (11-Dec) : Matt LaFleur says Romeo Doubs practiced in full today. "We're making progress but he's still in the protocol."
Zero2Cool (11-Dec) : We're due!
beast (11-Dec) : If Wikipedia is to be believed/updated, none since December 4, 2022
Zero2Cool (11-Dec) : How many tie games have we had this season?
packerfanoutwest (11-Dec) : Go Raiders, just win baby!
packerfanoutwest (11-Dec) : Packers will be in the postseason with a win, a Falcons loss or tie and a tie between the Rams and 49ers.
Mucky Tundra (10-Dec) : 🙄🙄🙄
Zero2Cool (10-Dec) : 😏😏😏
Mucky Tundra (10-Dec) : Oh I thought you meant coaching in college
Zero2Cool (10-Dec) : He attended Wesleyan college
Mucky Tundra (10-Dec) : Looking at his coaching history, he's never coached in college. Seems like an odd time in his career (plus NIL) to jump in
Zero2Cool (10-Dec) : Bill Belichick heading back to college.
Mucky Tundra (10-Dec) : You're the board admin, you're not supposed to miss anything! Just bring it!😤
Zero2Cool (10-Dec) : Fight me!!
Zero2Cool (10-Dec) : You pointed out it was missed. I miss a lot of posts.
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : saying something here got the job done 😉😋
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : Now see Zero, you complain about Fan Shout conversations that could be threads but when I make a thread on an issue it doesn't get fixed but
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : Michael Jordan signs with Packers
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : More fake news ..
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : Made a post in the Feedback, Suggestions and Issues forum and alas the problem remains unfixed
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : Speaking of Zero dropping the ball, he also forgot Ty'Ron Hoppers last name on the draft history page
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : There's something in his way to 1st this year. ME!!!
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : he won last year, so it'd be back to back
beast (9-Dec) : Glad to see the 2023 winners finally getting their names up there lol
beast (9-Dec) : I don't follow to fantasy, is JerseyCheese going for the 3 peat?
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : 😁😁😁😁
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : Speaking of which, fake news!!!!!!
beast (9-Dec) : Speaking of which, the 2023 Champions aren't listed in the Championships page, neither is 1st place for 2022
beast (9-Dec) : I haven't placed in pick'em since 2019, yooperfan, you just placed in 2023
yooperfan (9-Dec) : TWO please
Zero2Cool (9-Dec) : When looking at NFL Pick'em, might be time to ban beast for a week.
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : KC squeaks another win with a doink off the upright
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : one day they'll call Jawaan Taylor for a false start, but today is not that day
beast (9-Dec) : But Chargers haven't been able to score a point YET
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : Mahomes getting hammered by the Chargers so far
beast (9-Dec) : Announcers just said P JK Scott is leading the NFL in hangtime
beast (9-Dec) : Leading Roll Out the Cannons like it's this huge known thing that all Pack fans know about... First I remember hearing about it
beast (9-Dec) : I saw a WWE wrestler bring a Packers wrestling game to GB and present it to someone... and it talked about them leading the roll out the ...
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : honestly it's the first time I've seen the drum thing in KC so I'm wondering if I just missed it for years
beast (9-Dec) : I think the drum was with the tomahawk chop for a long time, just they're trying to stop the chop but keeping the drum
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : is that Chiefs drum thing new? or does it predate the Vikings drum with their Skol chant?
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : After starting out 7-2 Washington has stumbled
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : It's also possible that the NFC West runner up pushes Washington out of the #7 seed
Mucky Tundra (9-Dec) : Seattle has a tough one: GB, Minnesota, @Chicago and @LA Rams
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2024 Packers Schedule
Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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