So IMHO and I think there are quite a few more who think this way...Ted you have 1 more year to get things back on track(and I don't mean 8-8), or you can get the hell out of Dodge and take Mike McCarthy with you.
"buckeyepackfan" wrote:
First: Everyone is well aware of your opinion when it comes to our GM and head coach, because you state it
over and over again. That's not a big deal; what is a bigger deal to some is that your hatred extends to the point where you seem to be thrilled when things aren't going well for the team, because that's just one step closer to your goal. That, in my opinion, is just messed up. If the team doesn't get better, you'll get your wish - but why relish it? How does anyone have enough bile reserved for someone they don't even know that they're happy when their favorite football team hits hard times? Does not compute.
Second: You can obviously write, which would suggest that you can read, and if so then you will certainly have read a large number of us "Thompson Lovers" saying what I quoted above, almost word for word. So we're already on board with your "One more failed season and he should go" program; that being the case, to whom are you (re)making your point?
Finally, to try to pull this thing back on-topic, if you look in the "Rumors fly of Nolan..." thread, you will see that I'm starting to not like how this whole defensive staff thing is going. I'm getting a little worried that we (the fans) are being led to believe that some real 'revolution' will be taking place on defense when there's a good possibility that we're just dumping the coordinator for another younger guy who's already here, who may well run the same system (or at least something close to it). If so, then to me that would start to send up some red flags in terms of the transparency (or lack thereof) of our FO.
In other words, if you're right about Thompson and co., it'll become readily apparent all on its own. So what's the need for "Ha! They suck! I told you so!" posts, really, other than to pat yourself on the back for being right about something that is really kind of crappy?