The outcome of today's football games will determine the order of picks in the 2009 draft.
By my calculations we are currently in the 8th spot. Dependent on the outcome of today's games, we will be picking as low as 5th in the draft, and can pick no higher than 10th.
The games of "interest"---
49ers vs. the Redskins We want the 49ers to WIN
Jaguars vs. the Ravens We want the Jaguars to WIN
Oakland vs. the Bucs We want the Raiders to WIN
Seattle vs. the Cards We want the Seahawaks to WIN
Cleveland vs. the Steelers We want the Browns to WIN
Green Bay vs. Detroit We want the ..... to WIN (lol)
Obviously, there are many scenarios that can play out, but these are the only ones that have any impact on our draft selection, FYI
In addition to the obvious improved choices when picking 5th over 10th, the "draft-pick value chart" in the event of a trade back would be the equivalent of a free mid-round second-round pick. (The exact "value" is the 50th pick in the draft)