I don't think Gutey has been given enough credit for the job he has done in the last few years. His challenge has been to build a respectable D while also bringing in the type of players ML needs for the O to succeed. It may seem like he falls short by drafting H Backs and RB's and holding on to ancient TE's or not finding more talented WR's then guys like Lazard (guys that actually enjoy blocking).
All Gute has done is build a team that is built perfectly for a play action offense that, DARE I say this, HELPS Aaron Rodgers greatly.
Still, the talking heads prefer the storyline that Gute has not done enough for Arod by pointing out the fact he hasn't drafted a sideline full of WR's that run 4.2 forties. All you have to do is go back a few years and recall the scowling, hands on the hips, mouthing the "F" word, player that was the QB of the Green Bay Packers. Oh Yeah, I remember
that guy now, that was AARON RODGERS!!!
All these steps forward. All these pieces added. All these wins.
For What?
What a shame I have to even ask that question. Gute's not perfect but at least he's still working at it and not giving up. More than I can say about others hanging out with their Malibu crowd drinking Chardonnay and smoking cubans pretending California is still paradise coming up with cute catch phrases like "Beautiful Mystery."
Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
"The train is leaving the station."