I also think he's a proffesional player though and being nearly 40 year olds, he should've learned to work with the media a bit. Maybe not telling them anything and not letting the fans go to this rollercoasterride every off-season.
"Rockmolder" wrote:
I agree but there is not way out for Favre. If he says "no comment", then people will just make stuff up and it will become a story. If he says "im not sure if im coming back" it becomes a big story. If he really has had enough and says the truth and he were to be honest and say "i'm not coming back" it would be a big circus. If he says, "i'm not thinking about it till after the season" then he is holding them hostage, lol.
Like i said, there is no way out. I'm sure he constantly says the same line of "lets deal with now and we'll re-evaluate everything else after the year" line 99% of the time but that hundredth time when he says the truth, they catch him and he is a distraction.
He is what he is, a probowler, a hall of famer, and a little bit of a drama queen some times but all that said, he is still the most popular player in the game even with his diminished skills.
A wise man once said
You are weak, pathetic and immature..............I would have d