4 years ago
This is a strange thread, bordering on surreal. A bunch of white dudes from Wisconson - a state that ranks in the bottom 5 for equal treatment of black people (both in the criminal justice and economic sense) - get together to lecture each other on how to solve racism and the greater socio-economic problems that plague our nation. It's like listening to a group of morbidly obese Bears fans argue about which diet plan is most effective. A sort of living, breathing Onion article.

Keep at it boys, I'm sure you've nearly cracked it.
4 years ago

This is a strange thread, bordering on surreal. A bunch of white dudes from Wisconson - a state that ranks in the bottom 5 for equal treatment of black people (both in the criminal justice and economic sense) - get together to lecture each other on how to solve racism and the greater socio-economic problems that plague our nation. It's like listening to a group of morbidly obese Bears fans argue about which diet plan is most effective. A sort of living, breathing Onion article.

Keep at it boys, I'm sure you've nearly cracked it.

Originally Posted by: earthquake 

I live in Virginia and have never even visited Wisconsin.

American as well as Global investors will support rebuilding manufacturing in America and other industries if doing so is their best path to profits. Opening those paths will take reforms to Taxes, Import Tariffs, Enterprise zones, Education/Job Training, and more. Furthermore, instant results should not be expected, long term socioeconomic changes take time to implement.

Much that can be done will depend upon the National Election, the Pandemic, and yet unforeseen occurrences like Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Fire, etc.
4 years ago
Improving the economy / rebuilding the middle class is all well and good, and if this is the topic we're focusing on I don't think our stances differ in a significant way.

That said, it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. A rebuilt middle class will predominately improve white people's lives. Racial discrimination is so deeply embedded into the fabric of our society that economic change will have a very predictable effect - the same effect it has historically had (further enrich white lives). Until black people and people of color are no longer discriminated against for having a black or ethnic sound name (you're much less likely to get a call back for a job interview if you do, even if you are equally or more qualified than someone with a white-sounding name). Until black people are lent money with the same frequency and interest rates. Until black people are no longer killed by police, arrested, and imprisoned at much higher rates, not to mention charged harsher sentences for the same crimes. Until black people are paid the same wages for the same jobs. Until the median family income for black people gets a lot closer to what white people earn (in Wisconsin, it's roughly HALF, in Virginia, it's a little better, about 61%). And on and on we can go, until these things change in a meaningful way, there will be no justice, there will be no equality. The cycle of poverty will continue, and the generational trauma that is the specter of slavery will continue to haunt us.

In any case, you've missed the point of my post. The last thing we need to right now is white guys lecturing to other white guys in their safe little white bubbles. We've tried this for the last 600-ish years and it hasn't gone very well (unless you're white). If you're interested in making any sort of change, please go out and talk to some real-life black people, hear what they have to say. In short: uplift the black voice which has been silenced for so long.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
The reason there are more black people in prison is, they commit more crimes. Why am I blamed for black people that CHOOSE to commit crimes? Or CHOOSE to resist arrest, lead cops on high speed chases, fight the cops and then end up injured or dead?
As I have stated over and over and over, DO what the police tell you to do, don’t resist arrest, don’t run and guess what? You won’t end up dead!
But that just gets ignored, and some act like all the black people that are killed by cops are angels who did no wrong.
And blacks have been given more breaks then whites get. Quotas get blacks moved to the front of the line in hiring even if they aren’t the best qualified for the job. Have you not heard of “affirmative action”? I’ve witnessed this first hand, so don’t say it’s not so.
If you walk around with a chip on your shoulder, looking for trouble, you will find it.
Have a good work ethic, treat others with respect even if they don’t agree with you (some here could learn this) and better things will come to you.
I’m in the poverty level. Yet I don’t think I have the right to rob people because they have more then I do.
When does the “poor me” card stop being used to excuse bad behavior?
If you are stupid enough to commit crimes, then if you’re caught, don’t make it worse by fighting the police.

Every week in big cities like Chicago, blacks are killing other blacks. Why is this just passed over and ignored like it’s not happening?
Start policing your own neighborhoods and turn in the bad people that are committing these violent acts.
Until you change the attitude of the people, nothing you do will change anything.
People need to learn to be responsible for their own actions, and to treat others as they want to be treated.
I know, I’ll probably have some here curse at me or call me terrible names, because I’m not “politically correct”.
Where is what I’m saying wrong?
I’m not asking any more from people of color then I’m asking of white people, or myself for that matter.
4 years ago
Cheesy, I don't have the time or energy to respond to the entirety of your overtly racist post, so I'll just hit the low hanging fruit.

Let's look at "black on black crime". The vast majority of crime is committed within the race. White people by and large murder and commit crimes again against other white people. It's the same with asians, latinos, etc. Crimes are often committed against people an individual is familiar with and / or one that they live in close proximity too. Yet nobody talks about "white on white crime" or "asian on asian" crime. "Black on black crime" is a ridiculous racist trope, a phrase that is trotted out to dehumanize black people, to make them as a group, appear naturally more inclined to violence merely because of the color of their skin. As soon as we rip the humanity from someone, a whole group of people, it's easy to see them as less than us, a worthless criminal who deserves no respect, whose life is of such little value that we don't mind when police kill them in the streets. Whether you intend to or not, this is what you communicate by continually pointing to "black on black crime" when civil rights issues are discussed.

Meanwhile, we have special words for white psychopath murderers. Most serial killers have been white. We call them words like "lone wolves", language specifically meant to separate the good, law-abiding white people from the minority of violent crazies. Remember that guy who killed 58 people from a hotel building in Las Vegas? Did anyone call that "white on white" crime? No? I wonder why... As white people, it's easy to disassociate from such people. Black people do not enjoy this privilege. Our society would rather lump all black people in with the murderers and violent criminals. The world makes more sense that way. Black people have it tough because they're violent, they're predisposed to crime, they're animals. This way we don't need to feel uncomfortable or face up to our countries racist heritage. There's nothing white people hate more than feeling a little uncomfortable.

How about those kids in Columbine, or countless other school shootings involving white murderers killing white children. Was that "white on white" crime? No, that wasn't either. Huh, that's strange...

"Black on black crime" is a very special phrase we reserve for, ahem, unique situations. In short, any time we want to make black people, all black people, seem like monsters.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago

Cheesy, I don't have the time or energy to respond to the entirety of your overtly racist post, so I'll just hit the low hanging fruit.

Let's look at "black on black crime". The vast majority of crime is committed within the race. White people by and large murder and commit crimes again against other white people. It's the same with asians, latinos, etc. Crimes are often committed against people an individual is familiar with and / or one that they live in close proximity too. Yet nobody talks about "white on white crime" or "asian on asian" crime. "Black on black crime" is a ridiculous racist trope, a phrase that is trotted out to dehumanize black people, to make them as a group, appear naturally more inclined to violence merely because of the color of their skin. As soon as we rip the humanity from someone, a whole group of people, it's easy to see them as less than us, a worthless criminal who deserves no respect, whose life is of such little value that we don't mind when police kill them in the streets. Whether you intend to or not, this is what you communicate by continually pointing to "black on black crime" when civil rights issues are discussed.

Meanwhile, we have special words for white psychopath murderers. Most serial killers have been white. We call them words like "lone wolves", language specifically meant to separate the good, law-abiding white people from the minority of violent crazies. Remember that guy who killed 58 people from a hotel building in Las Vegas? Did anyone call that "white on white" crime? No? I wonder why... As white people, it's easy to disassociate from such people. Black people do not enjoy this privilege. Our society would rather lump all black people in with the murderers and violent criminals. The world makes more sense that way. Black people have it tough because they're violent, they're predisposed to crime, they're animals. This way we don't need to feel uncomfortable or face up to our countries racist heritage. There's nothing white people hate more than feeling a little uncomfortable.

How about those kids in Columbine, or countless other school shootings involving white murderers killing white children. Was that "white on white" crime? No, that wasn't either. Huh, that's strange...

"Black on black crime" is a very special phrase we reserve for, ahem, unique situations. In short, any time we want to make black people, all black people, seem like monsters.

Originally Posted by: earthquake 

So....I’m racist for pointing out factual information. Fact: in major cities, blacks ARE killing other blacks by the dozens each week. You don’t see that happening in white neighborhoods, do you? If BLM, why do they only matter when killed by cops?
How are my statements “racist?”
By DARING to points these facts out, and asking WHY they are ignored by people, and you?
If you don’t ask much or expect much from people, then that is what you will get.....not much.
Just keep making excuses for bad behavior, and guaranteed nothing will change or get better. How has it worked for the last 55 years? We are no farther now then back in the 1960s.
I’d say what you posted is more racist then what I have stated. You don’t expect much from black people, and would rather make excuses. Like being born black is an automatic “reason” to not be expected to be decent law abiding citizens.
All I am asking is the same as I ask from myself. Be respectful, be a law abiding citizen, and if I get pulled over by the police for ANY reason, be respectful to the cops and do what they say. Chances are, I (and anyone) won’t end up dead at the hands of the “awful” police.
And another sad point is that good decent black people are suffering from the bad eggs that do these crimes. They have to worry that if they walk out their doors, or let their children play outside, they might get in the middle of some scumbags shooting at each other and one of the innocent people getting killed. It shouldn’t be that way, in ANY neighborhood. Kids should be safe to play, you should be safe to sit on your porch on a hot summer night.
Yeah....I’m a racist for wanting that.
4 years ago
"Riots" "black-on-black crime" "only racists talk about racism", by George Cheesy, I think you've won White Supremacist Bingo! Well done mate.
4 years ago

This is a strange thread, bordering on surreal. A bunch of white dudes from Wisconson - a state that ranks in the bottom 5 for equal treatment of black people (both in the criminal justice and economic sense) - get together to lecture each other on how to solve racism and the greater socio-economic problems that plague our nation. It's like listening to a group of morbidly obese Bears fans argue about which diet plan is most effective. A sort of living, breathing Onion article.

Keep at it boys, I'm sure you've nearly cracked it.

Originally Posted by: earthquake 

I'm being dead-ass serious: this is the most sensible post in this thread. Thank you for speaking some truth.

There is literally no point in arguing with someone who isn't employed, seems to have some serious anger issues, no interest in listening to other perspectives or hasn't actually spent much time outside the WI bubble. Let that person speak their piece on the internet; they aren't going to be in a position to actually amplify his/her antiquated view through grass roots organizing or by financially supporting businesses or causes which are clearly on the wrong side of history. It's not a sustainable position in the long run, and you simply waste your time when you could spend it on countless better things instead of arguing against someone on the internet.

I've found playing NBA2K and Cricket 19 to be far more productive and enjoyable instead. Hopefully you find something just as enjoyable.
The NFL: Where Greg Jennings Happens.
4 years ago

I'm being dead-ass serious: this is the most sensible post in this thread. Thank you for speaking some truth.

There is literally no point in arguing with someone who isn't employed, seems to have some serious anger issues, no interest in listening to other perspectives or hasn't actually spent much time outside the WI bubble. Let that person speak their piece on the internet; they aren't going to be in a position to actually amplify his/her antiquated view through grass roots organizing or by financially supporting businesses or causes which are clearly on the wrong side of history. It's not a sustainable position in the long run, and you simply waste your time when you could spend it on countless better things instead of arguing against someone on the internet.

I've found playing NBA2K and Cricket 19 to be far more productive and enjoyable instead. Hopefully you find something just as enjoyable.

Originally Posted by: all_about_da_packers 

Ditto to all this.

I have avoided this thread due to the bubble. Hopefully someday that bubble pops. I look forward to that day whenever it may be.

  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
I’ve listened to the other side, and all I’ve heard is excuses. Yeah, because I’m not black and live in Wisconsin that automatically makes facts invalid.
Yes, im not employed. I’d gladly have given up being disabled. It wasn’t my choice. The doctors AND state doctors made that decision for me. And trust me, you can’t live high on the hog for the few hundred dollars I get.
But go ahead, belittle disabled people. I guess that’s still acceptable by the “political correctness” people.
Hope you are proud of yourselves. You’ve shown your true colors.
The loving, caring, accepting people.
Oh....and waiting for the bubble to pop? What exactly does that mean? You want more riots and murder? Yeah....that would prove me wrong, right?
Fan Shout
beast (3h) : Though I stop following pro bowl years ago
beast (3h) : I thought the pro game was before the Super Bowl?
packerfanoutwest (4h) : ok now for the Pro Bowl Game in Hawaii
TheKanataThrilla (5h) : If I was Philly I would try to end it instead of punting it
Mucky Tundra (5h) : VICTORY! We have (moral) victory!
TheKanataThrilla (5h) : Hey they mentioned that we 3-peted
Mucky Tundra (5h) : seems to me the 49ers should have traded Aiyuk when they had the chance
Mucky Tundra (5h) : if the Eagles get it down to the 1, do they Tush Push or give it to Barkley?
TheKanataThrilla (5h) : 49ers have a money problem if they want to sign their QB
Mucky Tundra (5h) : Wait for real? Didn't he just get an extension two years ago?
Zero2Cool (5h) : 49ers gonna trade Deebo. Interesting
TheKanataThrilla (5h) : Replays always never seem to show the holdings
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : Great throw by Hurts
Mucky Tundra (6h) : Where Carter falls prey to bad off the field influences (to be clear, not saying he'd clip someone though)
Mucky Tundra (6h) : Had Carter not gone to Philly were they already had a lot of old college friends, he ends up in a similar spot to Aaron Hernandez
Mucky Tundra (6h) : I think some of his coaches told scouts to stay away
Mucky Tundra (6h) : the street racing incident+conditioning and motivation problems
beast (6h) : Then Carter was street racing, where the other car crashed and people died... and other teams were scared to pick Carter for some reason
beast (6h) : I think the Saints traded up, giving their next year 1st to the Eagles, and then they sucked and Eagles got the 10th overall pick
packerfanoutwest (6h) : wtf Barkley?
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : Getting Carter and Nolan Smith in the first round in 2023 was pretty darn good
Mucky Tundra (6h) : for some reason i'm thinking of a draft where the Eagles where in the mid 20s and a top player fell all the way to them
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : I think so. I would need to look it up. Think it may have been Carolina's pick.
Mucky Tundra (6h) : i'm not sure who i'm thinking of now
Mucky Tundra (6h) : oh fuck me i messed that up
Zero2Cool (6h) : Jordan Davis was 13th overall
Zero2Cool (6h) : Carter was 9th overall
Zero2Cool (6h) : Eagles had 15th and 10th selections, moved to 13 and 9 to get Davis and Carter back to back
Zero2Cool (6h) : Eagles traded up for Carter, didn't they?
Mucky Tundra (6h) : Obviously he was a huge risk but getting a top 5 talent on the dline in the mid 20s is fortuitous
Mucky Tundra (6h) : Jalen Carter falling into their lap certainly helps
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : And we could only wish to have this type of D
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : It's not like Philly has had low draft picks, but has managed to get themselves a top notch pass rush. We spend so much draft capital of D
packerfanoutwest (6h) : another crap halftime show
TheKanataThrilla (6h) : I think it is over, but then I think of Atlanta and want Philly to go in with the same intensity in the second half
Mucky Tundra (7h) : And with a Pass Rush that might as well be on a milk cartoon and no Jaire
Martha Careful (7h) : I cant help but feel good about how well the Packers D played in Philly during the playoffs
Mucky Tundra (7h) : this game is over
Mucky Tundra (7h) : This might be the kill shot here
Mucky Tundra (7h) : oh that's such a bad penalty for KC after getting the 3rd down stop
TheKanataThrilla (7h) : Philly DL has come to play
TheKanataThrilla (7h) : Ceoper DeJean with the INT scored...bad memories of draft night
Mucky Tundra (7h) : ok scratch that
Mucky Tundra (7h) : Game feels like last years Super Bowl: 49ers started off in control, moved the ball well but didn't have much of a lead to show for it
TheKanataThrilla (7h) : KC jumped and they call it on Eagles. WTF refs
TheKanataThrilla (8h) : If he was offside why did you let him pop the QB?
TheKanataThrilla (8h) : I like that Eagles are controlling time of possession so far.
Mucky Tundra (8h) : If the Eagles are going to win, this is how they do it: jump all over the Chiefs and don't let it turn into a close one
TheKanataThrilla (8h) : Bad throw created that penalty.
TheKanataThrilla (8h) : Amazed Philly got that hit to the helmet call.
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Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
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Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
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