Better yet, a player sees the head man not able to own up to a mistake and rid the team of it quickly..
Ironman.. I am with you.. there are a few players.. cough Colledge and Clifton, that week after week make stupid mistakes and play with poor fundamental, yet they are given a pass..
Point is, all people make mistake, error or lose focus here or there.. but repeated issues is not acceptable..
Fool me once.. shame on you.. fool me twice.. shame on me.
The me, is the lack of leadership and accountability that is running the ship right now.. and the shame of it is that we are so very close every week..
We don't need a major overall, we need tweaks and increased focus in the same areas.. that is a coaching issue to bring that out..
MM you have some tough calls and choices to make this offseason to clean some of this up within your staff.. which will then trickle down to the players via knowing you can be demoted if you can't bring your A game each week, each single play.
Player and teams will lose to opponents.. but losing to yourself for your own mistakes... that is a hard bullet to bite.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"