This is from first a Patriot, then a true Republican and true Conservative.
“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” [Howard Zinn quoting Donald James].
On November 6, any American that casts a vote for an anti-christ-evangelical-faux-republican, votes to end our democracy and enslave themselves.
Border Security? Just look at its initials…B effing S. Hitler warned German’s that the Jewish problem concerned Germany’s security. Japanese AMERICANS were purportedly interned for security [While Germans and Italian Americans were not for some reason]. We nuked Japan to save American lives; if true, why wasn’t Germany nuked? The enlightened see these things for what they were/are: pure RACISM spun with propaganda to emulate something more noble.
Likewise, separating families at the border doesn’t have a damn thing to do with border security. Moreover, the horror of this border show is now crystal clear. There was no intention of ever reuniting these families. Was the purpose to make the pilfered children human lab rats to service big Pharma; create a Hispanic slave workforce to service big Ag; traffic them to gain favor from the world’s various oligarchs, monarchs and/or simply pad the profits of the huge corporate prison lobbying network? Whatever the reason the purpose is sadistic. If Hitler were running, isn’t his murdering of 6M Jews the end of it? Who says, “6M Jews dead notwithstanding: he’s gonna make Christianity the state religion; I’m gonna get to keep my guns; or with no regulation I can cancel my garbage and sewer service and dump my crap directly in the nearest river?
I can just hear today’s “faux-Republican/satan’s Evangelical” casting a vote in 1944 Germany; “yea, Hitler killed 6 million Jews, but look what he’s done for the economy.” Ha, Economy! There’s another piece of pure bulldung. There’s moronic dipwads praising Trump’s economic numbers and equally deranged dumbasses attributing the #s to Obama. There’s only 1 number that matters: REAL WAGES. FACT: Since 1978, CEO pay has gone up 937%; pay for the average worker 10.2%. The 10.2% gains all occurred between ’78 and ’88; since ’88 compensation it is FLAT for the average worker…FLAT! And over the last year real employee wages dropped .4%...DROPPED! What good is a robust purring economy [though it’s not real] if only the 1% are enriched? A True Conservative Christian Republican Patriot will decry such an anti-American situation and only a total dipshit or amoral 1%er sees this as positive.
I digress…Oh and the “border wall” LOL. Future generations will ponder the lore of “the Border Wall” and laugh hysterically. The 96-mile Berlin Wall didn’t stop everyone and to similarly guard and maintain Trump’s border wall estimates range from $5-7 billion per year. Beside for $300-500 per one can be hidden on a small vessel and ferried around the wall and since Canada [2016] removed the need for visas to travel from Mexico to Canada [all ya need is a passport and email address] more “illegal Hispanics” have entered the US across the Canadian border than the Mexican one since mid ’17. All ya need is $100 for papers and $250-300 for a 1-way flight into Canada.
Another racist propaganda narrative involves talk of the “cost of immigration.” Just about every refugee across the globe exists because of US Imperialism. The US routinely destabilizes governments either thru direct military action or covertly. The US’s intervention in Latin America has been/is despicable and the refugees showing up on our southern border are its direct result. We are creating millions of Yemani refugees right now by helping our Saudi friends. Do you all know that there is no such thing as “Sharia Law? The actual term is Wahhabism. Bin Laden, his lieutenants, ISIS/ISIL leaders and much of its rank and file, the 9-11 hijackers all Wahhabis. One nation endorses Wahhabism as its state religion: Saudi Arabia! And Wilbur Ross, Trump and Tillerson were doing sword dances with them.
Like Iraq’s WMDs, the US propaganda machine has told you we’re taking the fight to the terrorist…the best defense is a good offense. I’d doubt anyone here possesses a terroristic hate for Mexico; but what if Mexican spooks disappeared your spouse; a Mexican drone killed your mother, father and siblings at a wedding; and/or your child a block from his house was verbally taunting a Mexican GI that turned and blew his head off? We are officially waging war in 76 countries; plus who knows how many more are suffering at the hand of our covert agencies and contracted mercenaries. Our destabilization efforts and covert and overt military operations are making so many terrorists that they now can collect a cache of weapons and vehicles and capture and hold entire cities and regions for years. The US is a refugee and terrorist making machine.
So, let’s cut our imperialist military and covert operation budget by 50% and stop destabilizing other nations. Do we really need 7-800 foreign bases; over a thousand if you count warehouses with scant military personnel? OMG what if we only had 400 [Btw Britain, France, Germany and Russia have less than 40 combined; China opened their first foreign base in Pakistan in 2017]. Stop US imperialism and worldwide refugee flows will slow to a trickle and the money saved can pay for immigration of people that will embrace true American ideals making our nation STRONGER…though maybe a little less White [BTW, that’s what this is about, isn’t it?] Trump said to the British a few weeks ago immigration is harming your culture.
Lastly, in January 30, 1933 Hitler’s NAZI party obtained a plurality in the Reichstag; thereby causing the installation of a racist madman as Chancellor. In January 1934, Hitler launched his first anti-Semitic policy, a boycott of all Jewish business. To help encourage the boycott a uniformed Brownshirt, policeman or soldier stood outside of most Jewish businesses. But, the good moral and democratically-minded German People went berserk against this policy causing it to be retracted after only a single day. Amazingly, within 10 years this same moral democratically-minded People had exterminated every Jew in Europe because they succumbed to a buffoon-like self-centered racist nationalistic jingoistic propaganda.
Lost amidst the Holocaust’s horror is that because Germans embraced a buffoonish self-centered racist nationalistic jingoistic thinking, the cost to them was the loss of their democracy. Theses dopes self-administered their own enslavement to tyranny. The only reason they got their democracy back is because Hitler opened that 2nd front. This same scenario could be playing out in the US right now. Future enslaved “American” generations may see November 6, 2018, like Germans today views January 30, 1933.