The point of the article is that fans fixate on a specific player. "Wouldn't it be great if GB drafted -----?" Then that player is taken 3 or 4 slots earlier.
Couple that with the players who would normally be available where GB typically picks in the mid to low 20's being taken in the teens because they moved up everyone's board because they had a great workout.
The last part of the equation is that the draft is fluid. The sage writers methodically go through their Big Board and lay everything out only on Draft Day the real teams select players differently and everything is suddenly askew.
It's fine to say GB desperately needs a DE or OLB but if there is a run on those players the best player on the board just might be the OT that you may or may not need.
What he said is instead of working on a mock draft on Jan 1, it makes more sense to wait until after March 6 when the combine is over.