It’s a long post for me but instead of having 10 replies I will stick them all into one. That way Zero doesn’t have to pay the website host for extra posts.
Stop it with the wave when on offense and stop the go pack go chanting when on offense. I think the tickets need that printed on all tickets. "No Wave", or " Go Pack Go" when Packers are on offense
Originally Posted by: packerfanoutwest
As a Gold Package season ticket holder I have seen the wave started (or attempted every game.) Looking around I get the feeling it is people at their first game. I recognize the fans who have started many waves over the years. There is a system to getting a successful wave going which I won’t go into at this time. The Newbies almost never do it the correct way and thus it takes a very long time to get it going the way they do it. Many times they begin with GB on offense. The fans are excited after a successful long play or during a dominate drive and they jump up and try to get it going. I never see the wave in the first half. I suspect the fans have a bit of a glow going and lack the best judgement skills. Thus a statement on the ticket will not work. On more than 10 occasions I have asked the people near me not to do the wave. They asked why. I explained and they said that makes sense. Almost always the wave dies out after 4 or 5 tries due to the knowledgeable fans refusing to participate.
Also if people are paying big bucks to go, then shouldn't they get to decide what they do and don't do?
Originally Posted by: beast
I will be the first to say tickets are not cheap but the “Big Bucks” do not come from the fans. I can’t say how much of the 9 Billion dollars ticket sales are but I suspect it is less than 20% of the total revenue for NFL, Inc.
Why? Because that crap interferes with the offense calling plays. Reggie White was always pissed when fans did the wave when they were on offense. Take that wave crap to the parking lot.
Originally Posted by: packerfanoutwest
It belongs in the game but at the appropriate time. Part of the problem with the wave is it may take time to get fully underway. It can start after a dominate defensive stance. The attempts carry on during the commercial break. (It sure beats watching the commercials they pawn off on the fans in the stands.) It may not fully develop until after the break and now the offense is on the field and people are watching the wave move around the stadium more than the action on the field. The good news is at full force, it only lasts 2 or 4 revolutions at most. About 2 plays.
If you pay for my ticket I'd listen to your rules. If I pay for my own ticket I listen to my own rules.
Most of Reggie White's career was before the NFL started allowing the QBs to wear headsets in their helmets.
With modern headset the wave shouldn't be effecting the offenses play calling that much, unless it's louder than any wave I've been around.
I remember people were complain that Lambeau doesn't have enough people making noise and even the Packers are encouraging people to make noise with their "Get Loud Lambeau" project. Does this mean it's working?
Originally Posted by: beast
I would accept your Reggie argument except as was pointed out, Aaron does a lot of his play calling at the LOS. No one else has a microphone in his helmet and if they did, they cut the signal about the time they would need it.
The “Get Loud” is only flashed on the board when the team is on defense. Never ever on offense.
The noise from the fans is better after the new seats where put in and they have their “Wall of sound”. All in all I find the results mixed at best. For having 80,000 butts in the stands I don’t think GB can compete with domed stadiums of course. Nov and Dec games don’t work because of all the gloves people wear. In general I also think fans get a little pissed when GB doesn’t run up a big lead early and they continue to put the pressure on. There is as much complaining in the stands as we see on this board. That leads to less noise when GB is on defense. Naturally the defense has not been dominate very often in the last few years and that doesn’t help. The fans rise up and make the most noise (Besides GB TDs) when the defense makes 2 or 3 really strong plays. Also the opponent is backed up deep in the own half of the field. And when a solid stand by our defense can be the turning point in a game.
In short, if GB isn’t playing well the fans typically are not very active either.
How about a silent wave? Would be a cool sight: the crowd doing the wave, but the stadium quiet enough to hear Aaron's cadence in the top row.
Originally Posted by: AbbaGav
I would love to see a silent wave. I can’t imagine it ever happening but that would be awesome.
If they can't get plays called, they need to take a pay cut or get a different job.
Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins
It’s not a matter of can they call plays or not. They can call plays in every domed stadium. It’s a matter how hard should our offense have to work to get the job done when they are in their own stadium? As I mentioned the wave distracts fans from watching the game. Why pay all of that money and then watch a bunch of people ½ a mile away stand up?
Astounded at the response in thread. Anyone opposed to not making our offenses job harder is a fucking tool. It's common knowledge you are quiet so your offense can function and loud so the opponents offense can't. Idiots.
Originally Posted by: gbguy20
Common sense isn’t very common these days. All the more so when someone has had a few brews.
Can't believe how big pansies people are becoming. Players once played better when they were being cheered for. Now we get speakers in the helmet and they cry because of noise.
Put on the big boy pants, shut up and be glad people show up to cheer for you getting paid to play a game.
Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins
1 player has the speaker. He doesn’t have a mic to talk to other players. It doesn’t make them pansies. It is a simple request to the fans. “You love this team. You want us to score. Helps us by not hindering us.
And if you saw the Rodgers comments, they are glad fans cheer. There is a better time to do so that’s all.
Look if the team was lousy LA and no one cared, then do the wave all you want, any time you want. But if the players are telling you it makes it more difficult to call plays, why would you want to do that. You do realize that the WR is not standing next to Aaron don’t you? Under the best of conditions it is not easy to hear. Last I checked, helmets tend to block wound waves a little bit. Distance tends to diminish sound. Mouth pieces tend to muffle ones voice. Why add to it? For your own pleasure and satisfaction? I thought people actually paid money to see GB win games not to see how long they can keep a wave rolling.
Almost as asinine as trying to dictate to happy fans celebrating and having a good time to be get loud, then be quiet, then get loud, then be quiet...
They can't be Goldilocks out there... it's too loud, it's too quiet... and then bitch when it's not perfect... the team asked for louder crowds and they got'em!
Originally Posted by: beast
Actually it can be done. Fans get pretty proud of themselves when they think they actually HELPED the team, the defense stop a drive. No one is asking the fans to sit on their hands when the offense is working. To hold their breath and not make a sound. But wave or no wave the roar of the crowd is unnecessary. Roar when Jordy hears Aaron’s audible and he takes the defender deep and scores the TD instead of running a 10 yard slant over the middle for 12 yards.
It's not a question of whether or not fans have the right to cheer when they want to but is it the right thing to do if it disrupts the communication between the players?
It seems like a simple answer to me.
As much up tempo and no-huddle that Arod likes to go with it would seem obvious that he would like to be able to be on the same page with the offense. This is in essence a factor in why there is a home field advantage is it not? Make it hard for the other guys...not ours. McCarthy talks often about road games at stadiums where the crowd is traditionally very loud and the communication challenges they have to work on to prepare for it. Expect in spades this week against Atlanta in that new stadium.
Maybe they need the practice? Yeah right.
Originally Posted by: warhawk
This. Like it or not being a fan at the game involves some responsibility. Knowing when to be loud is one of them.