There's a lot more that goes into it than the statistics. If you know the game well enough you can see Aaron Rodgers had some really remarkable moments and of course he did miss a few throws. This isn't Madden with Game Genie cheats, missed throws are kind of expected. Unfortunately, he's played so well that now when he misses throws people ignorantly want him shuttled out of town. Watch any number of other quarterbacks and you'll realize how stupid you look. Or buy yourself the All-22 tapes and learn a thing or two.
Other than that, I think Mike Freeman is an asshole who likes and seeks attention.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Misses "a few throws?" What the hell game are you watching?
Your bias is interfering with your ability to count.
In any one Presidential debate 95% of Dems say their guy won and 95% of Republicans say the same; how could this be? It's by the way they keep score. When the Democratic candidate makes a good point the Dem scores it 1-0; when the Republican makes a good point it is mentally dismissed, the score remains 1-0. And Repubs do the same. At the end of the night, of course, your guy will win!
Now, go get a pencil and paper; watch each play; and WRITE down what you actually see making no value judgements. Before crying about: oh the plays are obvious boo-hoo; our top 4 WRs were out wahhhh; Rich Rodgers sucks sniffle; the OL blows moaning; watch the GAME and evaluate why each play failed. Watch the 3 long drives; then watch the last three drives for 11 yards and 1 1st and then WRITE DOWN: which plays were called; which WR, which TE, which RB, which QB is playing differently; or did the D suddenly play better.
Then watch a game from 2014. Write down: how AR handle the blitz; how many times he throws when his feet are not set properly [Don't watch weeks 1-3 on this, it looks just like 2015]; write down how many times he failed to go through his progressions.
According your stat God: PFF. In 2014 AR was credited with 8 QB pressures by holding the ball too long; They credited him with 8 in the Minn. game alone. This stat alone should tell you something is very very very different about AR.
I'll bet if you comb through all my threads I have pointed out 100-150 specific FACTS that show there is something really really wrong with AR. Okay maybe my solutions: benching him, shipping him to Cleveland for McCown or therapy; might be just a bit over the top😂.
See, with Jordy for example, didn't do NOTHING this year; but dont need to bench or trade him because the solution to Jordy's problems will be fixed by Dr. Mckenzie. Do you think Rodgers will just rebound on his own? Do you think Eddy Lacy, instead of grabbing a plate at the China buffet; will, on his own, stop pulling out 8-9 of the large stainless trays from the Buffet table, set them on his table that seats 8 and devour them for lunch [Lacy even uses the large serving spoons from the stainless trays to shovel it in]? Rodgers is aging and he's physically declining and the greats compensate by becoming more mentally sharp. And what physical skills he still has, that 60 yard throw to Janis was unpissingly believable, actually if any other QB makes that throw, its pure luck, with AR he'd have done it 19 of 20 times, WHEN HIS MIND IS RIGHT. But it is parts of Rodgers' mental game that have gone largely or completely to hell.
Now if you dont believe it, fine; or refuse to see it, fine; as you are obviously unable to defend your position with FACTS and cogent argument. But why insult and dishonestly misrepresent someone's position? Leave that to others, who like to do that.
No one has advocated that AR be shipped out because he "missed a few throws."