What a lot of whining, spoiled losers the Packers have as fans!
The Packers are 10-4. There are only 4 teams in the NFL that have a better record. So roughly 27 teams are worse this year. WTH is your problem?
Packers have a 3-2 record against teams expected to be in the playoffs. Not bad.
I have listened for years while you whiners screamed about wanting a better Defense. Well, we have one. It’s winning games for us. It is the #5 Scoring Defense in the NFL. And you are still whining. But now about the offense. When was the last time a team had a top 5 offense and defense year after year? It doesn’t happen. Rejoice that we have a Top 10 Offense and defense and are in every game.
Of the 12 teams that made the playoffs in 2010, only 2 have been in the playoffs every year since. Patriots and Packers. Pretty damn good record. Remember some of the NFC competition in 2010?
• Bears are on their 3rd coaching staff since 2010. Haven’t sniffed playoffs since.
• Falcons made the playoffs a couple times but are a disaster lately. Started 5-0 this year. Huge collapse. Not likely to make playoffs.
• Eagles have been in the playoffs once since 2010. I consider them to be a soap opera. Possibly making another coaching change this offseason.
• Seahawks- only missed in 2011. Don’t like them, but they are tough. PC is a great coach and their front office is perhaps the best. (TT understudy, right?)
• Saints- made playoffs twice since 2010. But in the bottom half of league for last 3 years. Is Payton gone?
So I get that the Packers are terrible. Worst underachieving coach in the history of coaching. All sports. In the 5000 year history of organized sports. But who is better?
Since 2010, the 49ers became the ‘new’ dynasty. And collapsed faster than they rose to such greatness. Think their fans like their lot better than ours? Cleveland is 3-11. Playoffs have not been discussed in Cleveland in years. How would you like that?
In the last decade, there have been a small handful of teams that were competitive nearly every year. Patriots, Steelers, Broncos, Ravens, Packers. How many teams would love to be in that list?
I understand that many of you think having AR as QB should insure multiple SBs if the coaches just get out of the way. How many SB trophies do the best modern era QBs ever have? P Manning has one, I believe. Marino has none. Too bad he had such a sucky coach in Shula. Brady has multiple and I respect the Patriots. Favre has, ummmm, 1 correct? Maybe it’s not easy to win a SB. Maybe the expectations are a tad high amongst this group.
I am not claiming MM is the best HC ever. But if you think he’s not in the top 5 in the league right now, you are probably imbibing an illegal substance.
I believe that if Warren Buffett gave most of you 98% of his entire fortune, you would spend all of your time bitching about the other 2%. Relax. Enjoy this ride, because someday it will end. And then we will truly have something to bemoan. Rejoice and appreciate that every Sunday, there is a realistic chance the Packers will win. There are about 20 teams that don’t have that belief.
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