I was just curious about everyone's thoughts on this. I know alot will say Greg Jennings, but i'm talking about all around Wr. I personally have to go with Hines Ward from the Steelers, he can play wr, rb, and qb if he has to. He puts up the yards and tds, and even throws tds, But he also blocks, and not those little get in the way blocks but decleating blocks. He has been fined twice this year for his blocks but yet he never got the flag thrown on them. I found this video on youtube which pretty much shows his all around play.
Like i said i was just curious what others thought on this.
i would embed it but i couldnt figure out how
*Edit.. embedded it for you DH.. so you can see how the code works.. Pack93z *
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)