The Burnett kneel down and CMIII on the sidelines are all I need to know that Mike McCarthy is to blame for the loss. The way the packers played in the last 5 minutes, the team just gave up, and it is just a big stinking middle finger to all the fans everywhere that support the team.
If I was MM, I would step down as head coach. The loss is that bad in my opinion. If I was TT, I would demote Mike McCarthy to offensive coordinator and have someone else lead this team. The key word being lead. If they want to keep him as head coach then he should coach and not be calling plays during the game.
I am going to be closely watching what the packers decide to do this off-season. As an organization they have to take some sort of action to show everyone that they will never let this happen again. I will be really insulted as a fan if they decide not do anything.
Originally Posted by: dyeah_gb