In a way, the bleacher seating thing is right on. If it's a warm game, no problem! But if it's cold, FORGET IT! I was there at the Packers/Seahawks "snow bowl" playoff game, and I was on a end seat. I kept getting pushed off through the whole game. The only time I was able to reclaim my seat was when the Packers made a good play, and everyone stood up. I would quickly move my butt over onto the bleacher, and wait to get pushed off again. And I was sitting next to a skinny lady. When everyone is dressed in heavy winter gear, there is no where NEAR enough room to sit in any comfort. They SHOULD have put REAL seats in when they redid the stadium.
Now, the Vikings fan that wrote the article......when all he can really pick on is "cheese and brats", well, it shows just how lame HIS team is.
Again it boils down too....when was the last time YOUR team won a Super Bowl???
The Packers have 4 wins, the Vikings 4 losses.
How does THAT feel, Vikings fan???
And, hoping that AR gets seriously hurt......that just shows he's jealous that we have a REAL QB, and they have ONLY Adrian Peterson. Without Peterson the Vikings wouldn't have won any games. So WHINE ON Vikings dude! š