I just want to start off by asking a favor from WPR and akamp and that is to say thank you to your kids for protecting us.
Now as far as the experience i have been fortunate to get to alot of great games like the MNF vs Redskins the yancy drop game , the bucs game a few years ago on x-mas eve (my ex-wifes first game real cold so she got the best experience) when we won in OT. But i think the best time was when i brought my buddy to Lambeau for his first time and there wasn't even a game. It was perfect it was cold and snowing we sat there from 10 am to around 6 pm just waiting and of course chanting those famous words GO BUS GO of course im talking about the Super Bowl celebration just being with all those other people was awesome. I still have the video tapes of the whole thing on tv and ill put them in just to bring back the memories and i actually will tear up from happiness.
BTW great thread its awesome and refreshing to hear these stories and no right and wrong stuff.
Also to Pack thats awesome sharing your tickets with others don't see alot of that anymore where giving is done without expecting something in return.
Great posts to everyone and i tell everyone out here in PA that they have to get to Green bay just once to get the real feeling of it. Tv don't give it justice.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)