Well, were all glad you cleared that up before you went off to California to saw down the last great Redwoods or Start an open pit mine in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. I'm sure you were glad back in 2008, during the last Republican Administration, when unregulated mega companies placed America and much of the world into a Recession that tettered on near Depression. Perhaps returning to polluting our rivers and streams again could help already greedy Corporations make even larger profits.
Exactly, precisely what regulation is it that is directly making your life so unbearable. There are still some of us that give a damn about more than just our own bank accounts .
Originally Posted by: Smokey
Look, you want to know why I'm so opposed to the American propensity to regulate? Because, just like your last paragraph here, Smokey, it gets the burden of proof backward. It shouldn't be *my* job to show empirically that particular regulations are a sufficiently bad thing. It should be yours to show empirically that restricting my choices is a good enough thing.
And I defy *anyone* to justify the scope of regulation that Americans go along with. We're talking on the order of 100,000 pages of regulation *every damn year*, and that's just from the Feds. Add in state, county, and city regulations, it's simply loony to say that "Wade, you should be the one to disprove their value." Yet we go along with it, bitching and moaning about whichever regulation hits our particular hot button, but perfectly willing to be okay with the other 99% of those thousands of pages of rules that interfere with our neighbors.
IMO that is more obscene than the film output of Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson and everyone else in their industry, plus all the money Americans spend on alcohol and drug abuse, combined.
I teach for a living. My bank account is so fucking good, and the below-market salary I have been paid for the last 25 years, and my own bad decisionmaking so pervasive, that I'll be lucky if I can retire at 75.
I can handle a sucky bank account. What honks me off more than just about anything is that, either because I've been bad with money or for any other reason, people think its perfectly fine to restrict my choices without asking me first and then have the utter gall to tell me that *I* need to justify to *them* why they shouldn't do so.
Read the damn Declaration of Independence again. The rights come first. The government comes second, for the purpose of protecting those rights. It gets power only after the consent of the governed is given. It doesn't get to say, "hey, citizens, show me why regulation of your freedom is a bad idea." It is presumed to be a bad idea unless and until those who would govern demonstrate otherwise.
And showing it is a "good idea" should take a lot more than saying "Well, Wade, you're a fuckup if we let you decide." That's undoubtedly true -- but absolutely and positively, in the Jeffersonian vision anyway, irrelevant.
Sorry, Smokey, on this one you pushed just about the hottest of my hot buttons.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)