Hire a bunch of people at your place of business with no interview or meeting and get back to me with the results.
"gotarace" wrote:
I love when people compare their jobs to the NFL. Every time, I laugh. At them.
It's a different world. In the NFL, there's FOOTAGE. A LOT OF IT. There's background information at your fingertips, just by picking up a phone and talking to your employees and the new guy's former employers.
But yeah, same thing, right?
I personally am going to send video footage to my potential new employer. Because that's how it works.
As for hiring Frost in the first place. These are the types of things Thompson does. Does he get every move right? Lord no.
But nobody does.
The good thing is he's smart enough to pull the plug on this abortion of a pickup and move on, instead of keeping him around hoping he turns it around so he looks like a genius(aka Mike Sherman-itis).
With that said, thank the LORD that we're getting a new punter. This guy was about to be the new A---d C-----l