As far as weird foods go Kevin's last one about ketchup reminded me of my brother when he was young.
We often would go to our grandparent's farm for a couple of weeks. There are 13 months between my sister and my brother. My youngest aunt was born in between the two of them. Needless to say there was always conflict when we were young because everyone knows grandparents treat the grandkids better than they did their own kids. (or so it seems.)
So my brother loved to torment our aunt. Mainly because she was more like a sister than any of our other aunts and partially because she deserved a little torment in her life for what she use to dish out to us. (I am about 4 years younger and I caught a fair amount of her flak as well.)
So one morning she moaned and groaned and fake gagged because my brother was eating his eggs with Ketchup on them. He informed her that he could not eat eggs unless the had Ketchup on them. She being a little over dramatic told him it was gross. The next morning she came downstairs to breakfast and saw my brother eating his eggs and he didn't have any Ketchup on them. She ran over and started to laugh and said that he told her that he always had to eat his eggs with Ketchup on them and he forgot. "HA HA."
He said he didn't put it on his eggs that day. He put it on his toast and took a bite of toast smothered in Ketchup which she thought was jelly. She was grossed out again. Later he told me it was pretty bad but he decided she hated it worse than he did so it was worth it. When he was in high school he did the same thing with raw eggs. He swallowed them whole because he thought it would gross our sister out more than it did him. He just had to learn to control his gag reflexes, hold his breath and let it slid.