This article is total B.S. and filled with inaccuracies...
Now here is where I tear it to shreds.
1. "The presence of Favre would have made little difference".
Total opinion and conjecture, and not even very educated. Favre often was the deciding factor in Packer wins because he had the talent and the experience to improvise. He wasn't a "system QB", which is what Aaron Rodgers is.
2. Last year has nothing to do with this year.
3. "The Packers are the youngest team in the NFL. Their brightest Super Bowl hopes may well arrive in the coming years when those youthful players, including Rodgers, reach maturity.
That in no way implies the Packers have thrown in the towel on 2008 by replacing Favre with Rodgers. Its too soon to make any lasting judgments, but so far, Rodgers compares favorably to Favre."
These statements totally contradict one another. And if it's too soon to make any lasting judgements, why is this assclown making lasting judgements? "Compares favorably to Favre". That, in itself, is ludicrous. Apples and Oranges. Favre has been in the Jets O system for 1 month, Rodgers has been learning the Packer's system for 3 years. Also, Favre is performing just as well as Rodgers for having been in a system for such a short time. That is a testament to how good Favre is, according to Steve Young. I can assure you, if the situation was reversed, AROD would not be performing as well in New York.
Also, last year, when someone praised BF for doing well, many were quick to state that it was really MM 's system that was the reason and not BF. Well, wouldn't it then be MM 's system for AR as well?
"Its true the Packers bogged down in the red zone against the Cowboys and Rodgers was unable to elevate his team. But many quarterbacks will struggle against that same defensive buzz saw, as Favre did last season."
This statement is down right ridiculous. Again, last year is not this year, and Donovan McNabb put up 37 points against the Cowboys and almost won, and McNabb is no Favre!
"That Rodgers should be around for years to come only gives Thompson more evidence to defend his controversial offseason quarterback decision."
All the more reason as to why Ted Thompson should have brought back BF this year! Rodgers isn't going anywhere. He's only played 2 games against weak teams, and this assclown is crowning him already. The Packers had their best shot at going to the SB this year with BF. AR is not the guy who is going to take you there past Dallas, Philly, or the NY Giants.
End of story.