The thread was brought in to recognize the job MM has done and not so much about Ted Thompson and what he did or failed to do with Favre.
However, since we are on the subject, here you go.
I though how Mike McCarthy handled Brett Favre was very McCarthy-like.
HE was the last guy in the Packer organization to really deal with the whole Favre issue and he wanted to know ONE THING.
"Are you ready and able to let all that clutter go and come in here and play football?" He didn't want to talk to Brett about his hurt feelings or why he was mad at Ted or anything else for that matter. Had Mike McCarthy not INSISTED on Brett Favre convincing him 100% that he would let the past go Favre would still be here.
But Mike McCarthy is a FOOTBALL COACH. He doesn't give a rats ass how many TD's Brett Favre threw last year or in his career. Your either all in or your out and MM has never looked back on it either. I doubt he ever will.
Mike McCarthy stacks success'. After game one he's got one to build from.
and that's all he's after this week. I like that.
"The train is leaving the station."