My thoughts are probably predictable in nature on the topic; that they should be held in the same regards as any other player.
If they want to bark due to a mistake, then they should be held with the same accountability. If they read it incorrectly, then they should get the same ear full.
For some freaking reason, they seem to be untouchable though, the glory boys as they were.
I get it.. both are heat of the moment type reactions, and both probably should have been frustrated. My point is, if they want to dress someone down for an error, fine, but just take it when the failure falls on your shoulders. Rodgers might be harder on himself than anyone.. but if he wants to scream and holler, fine.. then I would expect someone to beat him down verbally for the misread into Briggs chest. Or the overthrow to Jennings week one.. or the next time he leads a player into a hit.. I expect him to get verbally smoked on the field.
Problem is everyone from pee wee football on has coddled their candy asses in just about every fashion. They are propped up to be leaders of the offense or sometimes the team, and most cases, they either don't deserve it or can't handle it. But because they play this overvalued position of glory (or blame), they are expected to be the leader. Guys like Cutler, Sanchez and McNabb, they just don't have the cloth behind them to pull it off. Even guys like Flacco struggle to earn their stripes as a leader of a team or offense.
The difference between Cutler and Rodgers.. the real difference, one has earned the right to be looked upon a leader because of how he has handled himself upon the team. The other simply has not.. Jay Cutler is doomed in Chitown because he quit on this team in the NFC championship game. Rodgers will openly admit his mistakes, Cutler will reassign blame at the drop of a pin.
That is the difference between the two.. I get why no one will probably say it on camera, but it really is the difference. One has and gets "it"... the other never has and probably never will.
Another unspoken rule, never I repeat never chastise those whose responsibility it is to protect your ass. Most give an offensive line little credit... the limelight is generally not focused their direction.. unless something goes wrong. For every completion you make, their are at least five guys that allowed the throw. Belittling them.. that isn't going to help you on damn bit. No football player ever dreams of getting dominated like Webb was.. but it certainly wasn't because of a lack of effort. Want to get pissed at someone.. walk over to Meathead and ask for some help on that matchup.
Truth be told.. if I am Webb on that field.. I turn to Jay and knock him on his ass. That is dead serious.. I would light his ass up with reminders of every piss poor throw and read he was making all night long. Not that it will sink in, but someone on that team needs to light his ass up.. Urlacher took the opposite approach after Jay quit on the team in 2010.. it certainly didn't help the cause. Cutler hasn't earned shit in the NFL beyond having an NFL arm and physically being able to take a hit. Beyond that.. it has been a failure, most notably he doesn't have the mental toughness to excel at this level. Cut and Dried in my eyes.. at the first hint of adversity, he mentally and emotionally bails. Best decision for the Packers that the Bears ever made.. overpaying for Jay Cutler.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"