yep I am the one who stole the thread from Arrigo. But I had help from Kevin etal. I can not imagine feeding bees anything but the food they make themselves. I knew they were dying off and that they were being destroyed through cross breeding with less productive breeds.
Originally Posted by: wpr
This is a problem I have with some folks. I don't mind off topic posts here and there, but my problem comes in when the off topic posts take over the thread. The issue is some of you don't know when enough is enough and get back on topic. Here we have a good example of someone who kept it going and tried pinning it on someone else ... me. I interjected some humor into a member who frequents another site. Should that really be derailing a thread?
You should whip yourself five times for each character you used and post it on YouTube. NOW!
So you are aware, this is the off season and thus normally I couldn't give a damn, but what you guys did here was insanely rude. Joe Arrigo took a lot of time into procuring his post (even if its copied/pasted all over) for us to slam him, ridicule him, praise him, whatever ... and you fools run your mouth on a different topic.
I want us to be able to joke around, throw in off topic posts here and there, but I would just like to see us get the thread back on track quickly, rather than continue the topic in the wrong thread. We can always create new threads for such topics. That is allowed and this just in as of year 2012... IT'S FREE TO CREATE NEW TOPICS!! Yes, it's true folks, just for you lovely PackersHome members, we are offering no limit on topic/thread creations!
On a little more serious note, it makes me wonder how many others notice this trend and themselves find it humorous, but figure, why spend all the time into structuring a well thought out post/topic when it'll just be defaced by page two from some clowns thinking they are funny?