Children of single parents get abused and neglected more. That is a fact. This doesn't mean it is cause and effect though.
It is also important to make the distinction between kids being at risk and kids being victims.
Single parenting is on of many contributing factors. Reducing the number of families that have to resort to single parenting may or may not reduce the risk.
It depends on why the parents are single. A young woman who is not ready to have children is more likely to be a bad parent because she has less chances to be a mature person. The risk taking, the self respect and the lack of thinking about consequences that lead up to being an unwed mother are all factors. As well as being brought up in a home with a young unwed mother.
This is why I support the House of Hope. They take young unwed mothers who are over high school age and give the resources and assistance they need to become good parents. This also gets them off public assistance and breaks the cycle of women who are unprepared to be a parent from having children, being on welfare and a drain to society.
There are solutions to this problem. We have to take the initiative and make a difference. Conservatives don't want to coddle the people who need help. The liberals don't want to force people into being accountable for their actions. The end result is the same. They are on their own and we have to hire police and build jails to deal with the failures. When we could have stepped up and prevented the waste of a human life and the thousands of dollars a day to imprison them. That should appeal to the Conservatives and the Liberals. Save money and save people.
I want to go out like my Grandpa did. Peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.