For the last couple of weeks, you have heard him clamor for "RESPECT"... that somehow he wasn't or hasn't gotten his "Props".
Now.. the truthful words of Ed Reed have rubbed him wrong.. in the words the of the overrated push off artist in his playing days... "Come on Man!".
How about you worry less about what other have to say about you and in place focus on taking advantage of the talent you possess. Simply put... you are inconsistent and lack the poise under pressure as Ed correctly stated. Yeah.. he shouldn't have said it publicly.. but in my opinion it is dead on.
Basically... grow a pair, man up, and silence it with action.
Not basically force the coach, other teammates to come to your defense publicly because you can't deliver on the gridiron.
Definition of a Candy Ass.. at least to me.
And yes.. I know the media is blowing this week's comments out of proportion, but that doesn't change the fact the "Lil Joe" was feeling so disrespected that he had to leverage that same media to draw attention to himself in the past couple weeks.
Joe Flacco is a more talented version of Sanchez.. two guys that don't have the confidence and poise to match there talent.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"